User Comments - arnevanvliet
Posted on: Sleepy
March 19, 2011, 02:40 AMin the dictation exercise I believe to hear at the end of one sentence '' 玩儿'' while the correct answer given is ''你无聊吗?要不要一起出去玩'' , i.e. without 儿.
Do I hear this correct?
Are 玩 and 玩儿 interchangeable?
Thanks for this lesson!
Posted on: No Hot Water
February 27, 2011, 11:57 PMIn this expansion I wonder if the phrase 晚上不困 should be translated as 'not tired'. It seems a more accurate would be 'I am not sleepy at night / I don't sleep at night'?
Not tired should better be translated as 不累
Posted on: Getting to the Office
January 19, 2012, 05:57 AMIen the grammar section of this lesson, I wonder if the translation of 他先去北京,然后去重庆 is correct. Should it not be present or future in english? Thank you. Arne van Vliet