User Comments - aylish
Posted on: 早教
September 21, 2011, 01:19 PM谢谢!
Posted on: 早教
September 19, 2011, 09:33 PM还有一些不我清楚的地方。
08.01 - 这个说法发现很xuelingling啊
08.34 - 有的时候为了xingqu也会不惜血本。
14.31 - 你对你的儿子是从什么时候开始jingxing早教的?
Posted on: 孙悟空三打白骨精(第四集)
July 01, 2011, 07:00 AM我啊,对孙悟空很感兴趣。就是还没有机会听这个第四集。。。
Posted on: Labor is the Most Glorious
May 02, 2011, 11:56 AMJohn, 这首歌里面的钢琴是不是你弹的?
Posted on: Rainbow
March 19, 2011, 12:00 PMWe were taught 'Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain' to help remember. It obviously worked because that was some 20 years ago.
Posted on: 不能说的事儿 2
January 14, 2011, 11:35 AM谢谢Connie!
Posted on: 不能说的事儿 2
January 13, 2011, 09:23 PMSome less familiar vocabulary I looked up from the banter:
0.47 - guāngcǎi - 光彩 - glorious
4.15 - fúhé - 符合 - befit
4.22 - yìwài - 意外/异外 - unusual
7.01 - zànshí - 暂时 - temporarily
7.01 - jiěchú - 解除 - get rid of
7.01 - zhǐwù - 职务 - post/position
7.35 - zhúdòng - 主动 - voluntarily
7.35 - yòuhuò - 诱惑 - entice
7.54 - xìjù - 戏剧 - theatre
8.09 - céngjīng - 曾经 - once
8.33 - chūguǐ - 出轨 - to go off the rails(?)
8.40 - zuòbì - 作弊 - to cheat
10.21 - rěnnǎi - 忍耐 - to show restraint
12.43 - zìbèi - ?? - blame(?)
13.17 - wǎngshèng - 旺盛 - thriving/full of energy
Corrections/filling in the blanks are more than welcome.
Finally, here a some parts I'm even less clear on, can anybody help?
9.04 - 那我觉得欧阳听到这个话的时候guzhixinli不是ziwei的...
9.56 - 那么张总好像还是听guzheng的啊, 我觉得...
11.45 - 然后让法院yizhaoxiangguan的法律...
Posted on: 牌坊
October 03, 2011, 07:23 PM我还有一些问题啊。。。
5.32 - 用来纪念什么zhangzhengshengli然后革命先烈什么的。
6.50 -我觉得是对一个人pingde好的一种表扬。
9.54 - 为了要有面子,要zhengguang。