User Comments - barto
Posted on: Endless Summer
August 09, 2010, 02:18 PM
No, it's someone from much earlier. It means "Cao Gui theorizes war, to take it in a drumbeat," which just means buckle down and do it ASAP. A good policy in any situation. The above link is the story from which this comes. Almost all Taiwanese students will have read it, (But their education system is much better than China, so no bets about Chinese people knowing this story).
Posted on: Endless Summer
August 09, 2010, 12:55 AM要像曹劌論戰── 一鼓作氣
Posted on: Endless Summer
August 09, 2010, 12:49 AMHere's a study tip: just man up and do the harder lessons. You got the vocab and text all written out for you and spoke in unnaturally slow Mandarin? Check. Got an exhaustive explanation of any hard stuff? Check. Missing? Action.
When I started out 4-5 years ago, I used Chinesepod that way. You just have to put yourself out there and not "look for the right level oh god this is so hard :(" I went from nada to about graduate from a Taiwanese university/writing my master's thesis in Chinese in 5 years. But I was fairly fluent after 1-2 years-mostly because whenever someone told me "oh that's above your level" I quite intentionally went and challenged that supposedly "harder" level. So that's MY study advice to you (and everyone). There isn't any dialogue on Chinesepod that is truly beyond you or that is truly too difficult for you to get any use out of. Do or do not amigo.
Posted on: Endless Summer
August 08, 2010, 05:36 PMHSK material!
Posted on: 电影故事4
August 07, 2010, 11:52 AM哪兒來的床?
Posted on: August, Study Tips and Expo Insights
August 03, 2010, 06:20 AMThe problem is Xiaophil, that I imagine they're already recorded some of these new lessons and aren't sure how to address the issue.
Or just don't want to.
Posted on: August, Study Tips and Expo Insights
August 02, 2010, 02:19 PMI am?
Posted on: August, Study Tips and Expo Insights
August 01, 2010, 04:19 PMChinesepod has had its share of problems lately (such as a lack of communication with subscribers, which I suspect is due to some combination of its collaboration with Hanban and its 1-on-1 courses), but it still has a lot to offer. I like both sites, but for a steady diet of good educational Chinese, I'd still go with Chinesepod. I think the teachers from both are good; the people here at Chinesepod do work very hard, so don't run off too fast. With the right attitude, the site is an extremely useful too.
Posted on: Endless Summer
August 09, 2010, 02:18 PM「夫戰,勇氣也。一鼓作氣,再而衰,三而竭。彼竭我盈,故克之。夫大國,難測也。懼有伏焉。吾視其轍亂,望其旗靡,故逐之。」