User Comments - bjnewer
Posted on: MSN and QQ
March 04, 2008, 02:31 PMChanna 上网 is a verb eg.我上网查资料。i surf net to get infos 网 is a noun,在网上means on the web.u need put 在before网上 eg.我可以在网上查到资料。I can get infos on the web i'm not sure is that clear?
Posted on: MSN and QQ
March 04, 2008, 12:16 PMQQ is my working software.But I prefer MSN. I created a QQ group of Cpod, welcome all of you join in. the number is :57242820
Posted on: Beijing/Shanghai and Being a Good Guest
March 02, 2008, 11:42 AMohdannyboy: here's one thing i know 额角头碰到天花板 额e2角jiao3头tou2碰peng4到dao4天tian1花hua1板ban3. 额角头is the forehead[here is related to the luck] 天花板is the ceiling the forehead touchs the ceiling means people with a good luck
Posted on: Beijing/Shanghai and Being a Good Guest
February 29, 2008, 09:42 AMWolson: this is characteristic...Anything can't be explained,just say TIC....haha
Posted on: Equestrian
February 26, 2008, 03:58 AMthis is the first time China join the Olympic equestrian games.加油!
Posted on: Equestrian
February 23, 2008, 01:59 PMCalkins, thx for u explanation~ and there r also many idiom in Chinese 马到成功 万马奔腾 猴年马月 一马当先................ check this blog. I love horses...r there anyone here love horses?
Posted on: Equestrian
February 21, 2008, 02:17 PMThis is my favorate part..I will see the equestrian games in HK this year...Looking for forward of it!!!!so exciting!!! here are more words 拍马屁 马屁精 :)
Posted on: MSN and QQ
March 04, 2008, 02:45 PM1---i use 靠kao4!quite often kao=cao...i don't want to explain this here.... 2---RPWT,is short for 人品问题ren2 pin3 wen4 ti2, some problems we can't find out the reason..we can ascribe to RPWT. eg. A:我电脑坏了修不好,怎么回事?/ my computer is broken and i can't fix it,why is it? B:RPWT。 3---DD or 东东, dong2dong2 means 东西,stuff/thing eg. 这是什么东东? what is this stuff? 4---FB:腐败fu4 bai4 is not the mean of corruption.we use it for party.. eg.我们去FB吧. let's go drinking/eating/singing/...whatever. anyone can tell more?