I really appreciate this lesson. For the first time in the newbie lessons, Jenny is using Mandarin to express instructional phrases that were commonly said in English in earlier lessons. Though it may seem a small thing, I heard Jenny use the following terms outside of the usual lesson dialogue:
hen3 you3yong4de
huo4zhe3 ni3 ke3yi3 shou1 . . .
(and a few others that I'm not sure of - excuse my tone marks)
I think this was helpful because, without really concentrating, I was able to understand what was implied by some of these phrases. It seemed rather obvious in the context. I know that there are dozens of lessons to follow this one, but I hope that this kind of progressive introduction of more Mandarin into the instructor's comments continues in future podcasts.
Great lesson!
Posted on: Describing the Weather
October 15, 2007, 05:44 AMI really appreciate this lesson. For the first time in the newbie lessons, Jenny is using Mandarin to express instructional phrases that were commonly said in English in earlier lessons. Though it may seem a small thing, I heard Jenny use the following terms outside of the usual lesson dialogue: dui4 hen3 you3yong4de huo4zhe3 ni3 ke3yi3 shou1 . . . hao3de hai2you3 (and a few others that I'm not sure of - excuse my tone marks) I think this was helpful because, without really concentrating, I was able to understand what was implied by some of these phrases. It seemed rather obvious in the context. I know that there are dozens of lessons to follow this one, but I hope that this kind of progressive introduction of more Mandarin into the instructor's comments continues in future podcasts. Great lesson!