User Comments - changye

Posted on: Ordering Food for the Group
August 25, 2010, 05:23 AMHi Jason
Yeah, exactly! Eating eel can make you "strong", hehe.
Posted on: Why are You Studying Chinese?
August 25, 2010, 03:41 AMHi evetrekker
> I’m studying Chinese simply because it is something that makes me happy (albeit in a geeky sort of way).
I think this is the greatest reason to keep learning foreign languages. Speaking of calligraphy, as you know there are several kinds of styles for Chinese calligraphy, and I find ancient character styles very interesting, such as 篆书 (seal scripts),金文 (bronze scripts),甲骨文 (oracle bone scripts). They are not so flowing, but very cute and pretty.
Posted on: Ordering Food for the Group
August 25, 2010, 02:36 AMHi gaojian
Japanese Una-don is a little expensive for lunch, but it's very popular in Japan.
Posted on: Ordering Food for the Group
August 25, 2010, 01:45 AMJust for the record, the food in the picture of today is a traditional Japanese dish "うな丼 (una-don)" or "eel rice bowl/鳗鱼饭, man2yu3fan4".
Posted on: Renting an Apartment through an Agent, 2
August 17, 2010, 02:25 AMIt seems it's not an easy job to find an apartment you like in China, even if you have enough money. You have to consider some factors that Western people usually don't care about, such as 风水 (feng-shui) and 迷信 (superstitions). Here is a hilarious article on why a couple, an English husband and a Chinese wife, ended up failing to purchase an apartment, which I read yesterday.
Posted on: Separable Verbs
August 10, 2010, 11:28 PMHi simon
The sentence should be translated as something like "The way she handles matters (= 她做事) is serious/earnest". In Chinese, a "S+V" phrase can be used as a noun phrase, and it can make a subject. In the case of the example, the adjective “认真” modifies the subject “她做事”.
Posted on: Separable Verbs
August 10, 2010, 12:46 PM> Some dictionaries have 認真的 as an entry
The “的” should be for affirmation and emphasis. The sentence “她做事很认真” is grammatically different from “他做事做得很认真”. The former one has a simple structure, that is to say, “Subject (她做事) + Adverb (很) + Adjective (认真)”.
Posted on: Separable Verbs
August 10, 2010, 01:37 AMHi simon
You can say “她做事很认真” or “她做事很认真的”, and the “的” is something like “语气词”, but I don't think “她做事很认真地” is correct Chinese.
Posted on: Comparing Buts: 但 and 却
August 08, 2010, 11:25 AM向所有爱吃臭豆腐的人强烈推荐这篇文章。最后部分最精彩,你还敢吃吗?
Posted on: 《非诚勿扰》PK《我们约会吧》
August 26, 2010, 03:45 AMHi zhenlijiang