User Comments - chinese2011

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Posted on: All in the Family
May 26, 2011, 07:53 PM

Hi, I just joined ChinesePod and think it's great.  This is my first post.   I do have a couple of questions.

1) In this lesson, this word appeared piào liàng
in the exercies.  However I cannot find it in the vocab list, nor can I therefore add it to the flashcards.  Why are there words that you are tested on for a given lesson, but that are not in the vocab list for that lesson?

2) How do you subscribe to all newbie lessons or all ellie lessons?   It seems you are automatically subscribed to 10, but to get to the hundreds others, it is 3 clicks going through menus which takes a lot of time.  Why is there not/ or is there somewhere a quick link in the top nav to ALL newbie or ellie lessons?
