User Comments - chrismandarinstudent
Posted on: Describing Athletes
October 13, 2007, 12:50 PMkeying off the phonetics it might be appropiate to describe a muscular guy in Chinese as "chickeny" rather than beefy. The first time I heard ji1rou4 I thought chicken. But the translation "China's increasing economic chicken" didn't scan..... so I learned the word for muscle and will never forget that one ;). Just a phonetic memory aid muscle is 肌肉 and Chicken meat is 鸡肉, as chicken sounds like device then I also have flyingchicken (areoplane) and handchicken (mobilephone) deng deng. Well it works for me anyway ;).
Posted on: Arrival in Jizhou
September 22, 2007, 06:50 PMsorry about the wierd English font my Pinyin ime is playing funny when I type English at the moment ;(
Posted on: Arrival in Jizhou
September 22, 2007, 06:48 PMAt this level I also expect that most people will have access to some sort of browser annotation plugin or similar so they can always convert hanzi to pinyin if they are more focused on spoken rather than written. Another good tool is investigating text to speech, just listen to Chinese written comments if you aren't learning to read yet.
Posted on: 章子怡的魅力
August 21, 2007, 07:50 PM我觉得她一定很漂亮, 但她没有性感的身材(太瘦), 就是我的看法。 好像很多人就忘了,漂亮和性感不一样。
Posted on: Lili and Zhang Liang 17: It's Over (Again)
July 24, 2007, 07:45 PMHey thanks to having read all the 期待 comments I quickly spotted a nice little chunck out there in the real world: 期待已久的 seems to be used as "long awaited" would be in English.
Posted on: Lili and Zhang Liang 17: It's Over (Again)
July 23, 2007, 10:55 AMerrr... what happened to that other girl (fei fei?). She seemed much more suitable for him. li li already played a few mind games even before the break-up. Just my take on it. So a good ending would be if li li ends up rich but unhappy and he ends up comfortable but in a wonderful relationship :)
Posted on: 一见钟情
July 06, 2007, 06:13 PMeerk... for some reason sentences like 真爱不是一辈子忘不了她吗? cause me great problems, I make too many problems for myself worrying about double negatives or irony :(. In my head this shakes out as something like "is is not so that true love is, she never leaves your mind for a lifetime?". Obviously not entirely literal but is that an accurate meaning??. 其实我认为真爱是一个特别的事情。每一个对都有独特的情况。 如果两个人爱上了,那么谁敢告诉他们真爱的定义? 一定真爱不是这么确切吗?
Posted on: 谈判和合同
July 05, 2007, 09:47 AMRobertk: Actually that was fairly easy to read :) I like picking up more business related content too. Currently I find the some of the other lessons much easier but I think that is because I listen to too many chat shows and because most of my conversation practice has been with women. I seem to know a lot of words and phrases to do with feelings an emotions etc. (I guess I am in touch with my Chinese feminine side :O).
Posted on: 一见钟情
July 01, 2007, 12:17 PMNot really Bazza, I expect you know a lot more words than I do. I found it helps a lot to try to write or speak in sentences and paragraphs about subjects, even if you make lots of mistakes. Then when you are reading or listening to Chinese you start looking for patterns that will help you. Really I just stitch bits I have pinched from other peoples writing or speaking. I guess sometimes it looks like a Frankenstein monster (some informal, some formal etc.). Maybe this is how I learned my mother tongue though? I guess you don't have to write Chinese perfectly at first, just look at some of the English blogs of foreigners learning English, even if what they write doesn't sound correct you can still understand their meaning and the more they practice the better they get. I don't see any reason why we can't learn in the same manner. Maybe in the past because learning Chinese was an Academic exercise it was frowned upon. But these days like English, Mandarin is a life skill that anybody can pick up if they want it enough. I envy your trip to China later this year :)
Posted on: 日本人的起源
August 18, 2008, 11:18 PM当然,美国文化是英国文化而已,谁不知道? ;)