User Comments - christymel
Posted on: 磁悬浮
July 08, 2008, 07:26 AMIf you did understand everything that was said then I think you would have realized it is no different than the lower levels in its format. The only difference is it's entirely in Chinese. I would maybe try stepping down a level or purchasing the guided lessons to get one on one help from a teacher. Or perhaps this isn't the best way for you to be taught. Perhaps you would learn better in an actual classroom.
Either way, I'm sorry for any offense you may have felt from my comments as I am sure you are sorry for the hostility in yours.
Posted on: 磁悬浮
July 08, 2008, 07:14 AMSorry, I meant to say try listening to the lesson while reading the vocab words not "try listening to the listen.."
Posted on: 磁悬浮
July 08, 2008, 07:10 AMHey Dave,
I understand your frustration but the lesson is exactly the same in english. Zhenni and Jiaojie discuss the topic a bit in the beginning to give us a brief overview, then they play the dialogue, then they discuss what the vocab words mean followed by the dialogue again. The upper intermediate and intermediate lessons are done in the same fashion but with more english. It can sounds like they are just carrying on about nothing but really they are explaining the meanings in their own words in Chinese. Try listening to the listen at the same time while reading the vocab it might help you follow along a little easier.
Posted on: Taking the HSK
July 03, 2008, 08:37 AMalexco you wouldn't get a blank stare from employers if they had dealings in China. Here we use the DLPT as a standard for testing languages but compared to the HSK it's a cake walk.
Posted on: SBTG: Sun Yatsen
July 02, 2008, 06:40 AM在台湾同志有另外的意思是同性恋。
Posted on: SBTG: Sun Yatsen
July 02, 2008, 06:34 AMjohns if you want to see Chinese suburbia watch 浮華背後. It's a great soap opera!
Posted on: Sneezing
July 08, 2008, 07:33 AMShe says woshinabangeba"我是那半个吧" or something along of the lines of I can um..about half the time. Anyway, Damon hope that helped.