User Comments - chrysegle
Posted on: Hide and Seek
March 16, 2011, 05:26 AMIf you replace the file, can you reply to me so that I know whether to delete it from my iTunes and resubscribe to it? Thanks.
Posted on: Hide and Seek
March 16, 2011, 05:24 AMEditor, editor! There are problems with the Lesson Review. In the vocab section, the English for 'conceal' (I assume) is cut off. Also, the context section, one of the ‘無論‘ patterns, the English is cut off. There may be other issues.
Posted on: Is China Scary?
August 17, 2009, 05:43 AMHi Pete
A couple of notes on the exercises for this lesson. One of the first 'word-link' quizzes (number 2 for me) seems to be incorrectly set up, or at least one of the answers on the right doesn't appear and I was marked incorrectly.
Also, in the dictation, I was marked wrong for using a full-stop instead of a comma. A better way might be to have text boxes for each clause with the punctuation appearing between text boxes (if the new engine can be set up that way of course).
Further, I noticed that my incorrect responses in the final section didn't receive a highlighted correction, whereas the first section appears to have corrections.
Finally, the dictation answers appear in the final section as questions. I guess you want people to get the maximum practice. Just seems a little odd that it's reused in this way.
On a final note, is this forum the right place to post problems with the content, or is there a direct email for this?
Thanks and I enjoyed the lesson. Well-worked out content and amusing voice performances.
Posted on: Handsome Foreign Student
March 23, 2011, 06:56 PMI sometimes get this. The women who address me that way do seem a bit forward. Needless to say, no-one's ever said, 'Hey handsome', to me in my own country, so it makes me feel awkward.