User Comments - droppingmyhs
Posted on: Billiards
May 29, 2008, 09:00 PMAnother little bug - in the "My Conversations" section only a random choice of discussions pops up instead of the whole range of conversations in question.
And yeah, I just repeatedly got a notice stating "Comment is empty", when in fact it isn't. Duh. ;-) Darn. Again. Ah. No. Here we go...again. One day...Heelllooo....Anyone? *shriek* Sorry for spamming. Aiyo.Tst. Oh, scr**....
English - Albanian |
@ English - Albanian |
English - Albanian |
English-Albanian-English Bujar.S |
close I [klëus] v.,n. -v 1. mbyll. 2. zë, mbush (një hendek). 3. i jap fund, mbyll (mbledhjen). 4. bie në ujdi. 5. mbyllet. 6. mbaron, përfundon. 7. fin. kap vlerën (në mbyllje të bursës); shares closed at 200 leks aksionet kapën vlerën 200 lekë në mbyllje të bursës /-n. fund, mbyllje, përfundim; bring sth to a close i jap fund diçkaje
close II [klëus] adj.,adv.,n. -adj 1. i afërt, ngjitur. 2. i afërt; i ngushtë (shok); close relative kushëri i afërt. 3. i madh; i plotë; a close resemblance ngjashmëri e madhe. 4. e ngjeshur (thurje). 5. i saktë, besnik (përkthim). 6. i fshehtë; i fshehur. 7. i kufizuar. 8. i kursyer. 9. i mbyllur. • at close quarters shumë afër, ngjitur; close season stinë e ndalimit të gjuetisë; that was a close shave/ thing/call shpëtuam mirë/për qime; keepaclose watch on sb nuk ia ndaj sytë dikujt, e përgjoj
-adv. nga afër; afër; they live close by ata jetojnë pranë; to come closer afrohem; close to the wind a)afër drejtimit të erës(anija); b) gj.fol. duke i zbatuar pothuaj rregullat
-n 1. vend i mbyllur. 2. shesh rreth katedrales
• close down ['klëusdaun] mbyll plotësisht; ndaloj
• closedown ['klëusdaun] n 1. mbyllje (e dyqanit), likuidim (i biznesit). 2. Br. rad.,tv. mbyllje e emisioneve
• close in ['klëusin] a) afrohet; b) rrethoj
• close in on ['klousinon] rrethoj
• close on ['klëuson] a) i afrohem; arrij (në garë); b) rrethoj
• close out ['klëusaut] a) shes gjithçka, heq qafe; b) mbyll dyert (dyqani)
• close up ['klëusap] a) mbyll; ndal; bllokoj; b) afroj, bashkoj; c) afrohem, bashkohem; d) mbyllet, përthahet, shërohet (plaga)
• close with ['klëuswith] a) bie në ujdi (me dikë); b) pranoj (kushtet); c) përleshem, kacafytem
• close call ['klëuskol] n. gj.fol. shpëtim për qime
• close combat ['klëus'kambët/'kombët] n. përleshje, luftim trup me trup
• close-cropped ['klëuskropt] adj. i qethur shkurt, i qethur tullë
• closed [klouzd] adj 1. i mbyllur. 2. i zënë, i bllokuar. 3. ek. e mbyllur, e izoluar (ekonomi). 4. gjuhë mbyllur (rrokje)
• closed book ['klëusbuk] n. lëndë (mësimore) e pazënë me dorë; fushë e pastudiuar; maths are a closed book to me nuk e duroj dot matematikën
• closed shop ['klëuzdshop] n. sistem ndërmarrjeje me hyrje të detyruar në sindikatë
• closed syllable ['klëuzd'silëbël] n. gjuhë rrokje e mbyllur (që mbaron me bashkëtingëllore)
• close-fisted ['klëusfistid] adj. dorështërnguar
• close-fitting ['klëusfiting] adj. i puthitur; pas trupit (rrobë)
• close-mouthed ['klëusmautht] adj. i heshtur, gojëkyçur
• closeness ['klëusnis] n 1. afërsi. 2. intimitet. 3. vranësi (e motit). 4. kopraci
• close-out sale ['klëusaut seil] n. amer. shitje likuidimi
• close-run race ['klëusran reis] n. garë me konkurencë të fortë
• close-up ['klëusap] n 1. kin.,tv. marrje/fotografim / xhirim nga afër. 2. përshkrim i hollësishëm
• closing ['klëuzing] adj.,n. -adj 1. i fundit, përfundimtar(stad). 2. i mbylljes (fjalim) /-n 1. mbyllje. 2. përfundim
• closing price ['klëuzingprais] n. çmim përfundimtar (para mbylljes)
• closing time ['klëuzingtaim] n. orari i mbylljes
• closure ['klëuzhë:] n 1. mbyllje. 2. mbarim, përfundim
• closure rule ['klëuzhë:ru:l] n. amer. pol. kufizim kohe (për diskutimet e deputetëve)
@ English - Albanian |
Posted on: Lili and Zhang Liang 17: It's Over (Again)
May 29, 2008, 04:06 PMFrom the Expansion section:
(I didn't mean that, by all means, don't misunderstand me.)
How would I express "I didn't mean that, you definitely haven't misunderstood me."?
(context - A: "I think you have misunderstood C." B (to C):"But you didn't mean THAT, did you?" C:"I didn't mean that, you definitely haven't misunderstood me.")
Posted on: Regional Accents Part II
May 27, 2008, 08:01 PMSpeaking of laji - how would I say "that's rubbish" in Chinese? (Behaups* you could distinguish between slang and colloquial use)
*Perhaps. I think I'm losing it (fafeng le). Love the new editing fuction, though.
Posted on: Regional Accents Part II
May 27, 2008, 06:45 PM"我不会因为这件事影响比赛。"
Why is there an 因为 in this sentence?
And please don't start your explanation with 因为... ;-)
My gosh, the new font size is unbearably small.*
*And I'm seventeen!
Will there be a lesson where Jenny is actually allowed to let her restraint slip (*cough*) and speak Shanghainese? That would be really interesting and useful, and a natural follow up to this little series.
Posted on: Hungry Traveler: Xinjiang
May 24, 2008, 07:52 PMA: 大盘鸡也不错。 B: 什么东西? A: 就是一大盘鸡肉。 I think a simple *lol* will suffice to express my feelings about these lines.
Posted on: When will he return?
May 24, 2008, 07:42 PMFunny...Both (!) lessons contain really useful material. And thank you so much for messing up the podcasts - I just discovered that I can actually understand 60% of the Upper Intermediate, despite having made the transition from elementary to intermediate (though I didn't work with CP) only three months ago. That really boosts my confidence.
Posted on: Billiards
May 29, 2008, 09:05 PMOh?! 哎...
Anyone interested in learning Albanian, perhaps?
I don't think I want to know what caused this mess. I apologise anyway.