User Comments - duffyhaha

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Posted on: Good Morning!
December 16, 2009, 02:01 PM


Good lession!  The review mp3 cuts many of the sentences short.  I tried listening on multiple computers with the same result.  There must be some issue with the file or the way it was recorded. Good lession though!


Posted on: Where is the Supermarket?
October 06, 2009, 03:21 PM

This is my second lesson and I thought it was difficult at first but the explanation was done in a way that made it very easy to understand and not seem so difficult at all.  I really enjoy how the lessons use common words and phrases and I like the background you gave on supermarkets.  Chinese culture is so interesting!

Posted on: Learn From Failure: Joe Constanty
October 05, 2009, 01:13 PM

I really enjoyed the interview!  I never thought about how large the niche markets in China must be.  It makes since when I think about it but it had never occurred to me.