User Comments - ernieschatz

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Posted on: Chinese names, Avatar and Meet-ups
December 15, 2010, 06:28 AM

how would you pronounce the chinese name wang yu ju 王郁JU sorry about the last character, I haven't learned radical look-up in chinese just yet and I'm pretty sure this is a non-standard pronuciation, but this 'JU' is formed by the character for women (女) on the left combined with the character for mouth (口)  on the right.   

I'm mainly looking for the proper intonation.  Thanks

Posted on: I see a thief!
March 21, 2009, 10:25 AM

Wow, last post was Sep 2008! I'm such a late comer.

Regarding the pace of the lesson, I have no problem with this one. To run this at a Newbie pace in unrealistic.

There have been, however, a few of these elementary lessons where the male speaker in the dialgue sounds like he's had too much coffee while the female is talking at normal speed.  That tends to throw me of balance a bit. Spitting the words out like a semi-auto assault rifle tends to blur the pronunciation.   

Posted on: Sweet Watermelon
March 08, 2009, 06:23 AM

Sorry to wake-up such an old thread, but it brings back a recent memory at a Taiwan juice stand. 

I had been in Taiwan a couple of years prior and a friend of mine ordered a great tasting drink that was essentially watermelon and ice blended together.

My extreme newbie self tried ordering one during my next visit, but I couldn't communicate what I wanted.

It hit them with the ol yǒu xīguā 西瓜 praying they could put it into context, but couldn't understand their answer, though it seemed like they needed a bit more description.

Going for broke, I decided to take another stab and said 西瓜 and got a funny look and another question I didn't understand. 

Rather than me trying to ask for a 'frozen watermelon?' again, I humbly seek guidance. :-)