User Comments - fp00n
Posted on: Extreme Tourism
July 25, 2007, 05:27 PMRich, your waterworld characters are sheer genius. Did you come up with these yourself?
Posted on: Extreme Tourism
July 25, 2007, 02:18 AMPersonally I'd go for the travel agent's final suggestion, taking a motorcycle through Tibet or Xinjiang. My Hong Kong friend in her travels in Xinjiang met a pair of guys who began cycling from Urumuqi and headed for Hong Kong. About a month later I was travelling with her and met up with them in Xian where they were interviewed by the news, and then about another month or so later they were in Hong Kong, interviewed again. Something about something so crazy as that (Forest Gump run around the country-esque) that is so romantic and inspiring.
Posted on: Extreme Tourism
July 25, 2007, 01:57 AM1)? 2) 洞 3) 滑 4)? 5)? Will be interested to see the other answers!
Posted on: Experiencing Agricultural Life
July 19, 2007, 02:59 PMI think the lesson format offers an essential link into the way people really talk in everyday life, giving me a chance to practice listening comprehension. Because in real life, Chinese people talk with all the vocab and grammar I already understand, but they talk so quickly and slurred that I end up not catching any of it. And I know how time-consuming it is to have to transcribe a recording, so, 感谢你们!
Posted on: She's Easy
June 25, 2007, 05:45 PMI agree with you LostinAsia..."she's easy" is a rude and insulting thing to say.
Posted on: Global Warming
June 20, 2007, 11:57 PMClarence, if you click on changye's avatar, his profile will show you that he isn't a native speaker. he's Japanese. But of course when it comes to writing, Chinese who travel to Japan communicate by writing Hanzi down and showing it to Japanese, and Japanese do the same in I doubt you'll see many mistakes with his Chinese.
Posted on: Transferring a Call
June 20, 2007, 11:53 PMEdward, about slipping English words into spoken Chinese 'cause it's cool, they do that in Hong Kong too...they've actually been doing it there for a long time, and that obviously makes sense. One good thing about it is that you can get away with not knowing some vocab, and look cool with your Chinglish : )
Posted on: Global Warming
June 17, 2007, 08:02 PMyes Mark, to clarify what Auntie said, they didn't say 温涨, if I remember correctly, they said 降温 - jiang wen. So this character actually isn't zhang, it's jiang, and jiang means to descend.
Posted on: 周公解梦
June 14, 2007, 01:34 AM我比较同意 “日有所思,夜有所梦” 的道理。起码,日有所思也包括我们subconscious的思考。 subconscious 中文怎么说呢?
Posted on: 观音信仰
August 01, 2007, 04:28 PM关于佛教是宗教还是哲学这个问题,我觉得要看每个佛教徒怎么去拜佛。像对话里女生的妈妈临时抱佛教,为了要从一个神得到灵验的结果,这就是宗教。但如果信徒不靠神,而根据佛教里的哲学来改善自己生活方式,这就是信仰“佛在心中”,是哲学。 谢谢 Chinesepod. 虽然以前是几个日本人建议这个话题,但是我也有建议过。里面关于佛教的词语真多,真丰富!