User Comments - frank
Posted on: The Final Show
June 12, 2009, 05:28 AMHello, all.
Despite my long history here, I've been loathe to comment on this site since I was offered the other job out of respect for my friends who work here.
That being said, I did want to address one small thing that hasn't been touched on yet, and it was a comment by Calkins regarding the removal of some comments from the other site.
When the comment came in, I was the one to answer it. I did so because it came while the New York team was sleeping and I wanted to nip it in the bud. I didn't want to see the same kind of pile-on we've just seen here.
Then there was a follow-up question. Then another. But they weren't really questions, they were accusations and gossip-mongering. When Dave suggested that the poster contact Amber directly, that's what he did, but the letter she received was far from a polite inquiry. It used language you wouldn't use with your own mother and enough was enough. I won't speak for Amber or her feelings, but that letter would have upset anyone. There was never anything sinister going on here. She left one job and took another. Period.
I can understand people's disappointment. Even their surprise. But that commenter went too far and made it far too personal. I didn't remove the thread personally, but I support those who did. It was a black mark on what should have been a happy day for those of us who put in a lot of long hours to make this happen.
The last time I was at the CPod offices, Hank said to me, "Competition is good for the marketplace. It drives everyone to be better." I didn't know at the time I'd be one of those people, but I agree with him. If our entry into the marketplace causes both services to improve, you folks can only win.
I still have friends who work at Praxis and I wish them all nothing but the best, personally and professionally.
I won't be commenting again on this site because I think it's bad form, but this involved me directly and shouldn't have been lumped in with Amber's departure.
I have nothing but good things to say about ChinesePod. I spent a lot of time here and the folks at Praxis always made me feel welcome. For that, and so many great memories, I thank them.
I wish you all success in your studies. Bye!
Frank Fradella
Posted on: The Final Show
January 10, 2009, 02:40 AMThat was a really touching farwell from the folks at ChinesePod. Put a lump in my throat. Nicely done.
Amber is such an amazing person, a generous friend, and a fantastic host. I'm sure she'll do great things in New York.
I don't deserve any of the thanks Amber threw my way, but I put together a little video using the still photos I took back on my last visit to Shanghai (and a little snippet of video from Marco -- thank you, sir!). You're all invited to have a look and if you know of anyone who can get this girl back on the air, please feel free to share the love!
Here's the video:
Posted on: The Person Component
December 27, 2008, 08:49 PMxiaohu - Yeah, I managed to eke out that we were in a similar field from your reply to me in Chinese. Took me a while to get through it, being an Elementary learner, but I got there. :)
Feel free to contact me offsite at newbabel at gmail dot com. I can't help much with the hum in FCP, but I use After Effects for my color correction. Anything having to do with sound I bring into Soundtrack Pro. A tool for everything. You can't hit everything with the same hammer. :)
Posted on: The Person Component
December 27, 2008, 08:19 PMxiaohu -- Yes, exactly. Thank you for that. I'm just an Elementary/Intermediate learner, but I had hopes that the academic team there could provide the content for the lessons, but allow me to produce a show that brought that content to their subscribers with a little entertainment thrown in.
Better luck next time! :)
Posted on: The Person Component
December 27, 2008, 04:23 PMxsw234rfv - Yeah, I know. John had already pointed out the error to me, but it's a great mnemonic nonetheless! Thanks!
Posted on: Chinese Hospitality and Finding Vegetarian Food
December 26, 2008, 10:41 PMFolks, if this is the end of Dear Amber, then take heart that the ChinesePod factory has never let us down in terms of supplementing our lessons with shows devoted to cultural insights. When The Saturday Show said its final farewell, I never thought I'd be as engaged in the site again. Next thing you know, there was Dear Amber and Qing Wen.
Have a little faith. It's gonna be all right. :)
Posted on: The Person Component
December 26, 2008, 09:30 PMxiaohu - Dave and I are actually good friends! I'll definitely be spending some time with him in Beijing while I'm in-country. The beauty of what I do is that I can literally do it from anywhere. If Dave wants the show, I can produce it from Shanghai just as easily.
Of course, if you hear Dave tell it, he's convinced that Beijing is right place for a wandering Bohemian like myself anyway. ;-)
Glad you liked what you saw!
Posted on: The Person Component
December 26, 2008, 08:58 PMsebire - Yeah, when John told me that I had a kind of V-8 moment. I slapped myself in the forehead and went "D'oh!" Either way, the mnemonic helped me a lot. I'll never forget that character.
RJ - Hehe. I wasn't going to say it, man. :)
Posted on: The Person Component
December 26, 2008, 08:20 PMurbandweller - Aw, thanks! 谢谢你。你过奖了。:)
sebire - Hehe. Then my diabolical plan is a success!
Point of interest on that lesson... John informs me that the first radical, which I identified as 月 (moon), is actually 肉 (flesh) as a side radical. Either way, it helps me to remember what the character means, so I'm just happy to hear that I wasn't alone.
Posted on: The Final Show
June 12, 2009, 05:30 AMI'm sorry... just one more...
Henning, thank you. You said in one line what I couldn't say in ten.