User Comments - godofseas
Posted on: Asking about What to Wear
August 24, 2010, 01:20 PMWhen are the occasions when the Chinese wear hanfu? I remember reading that there still are some. I for one cannot understand why they adopted western clothing both formal and informal, it is so much more ugly than the traditional garb! After the last dynasty they should have readopted hanfu instead of the Manchurian dress :D. Also, if you attent one of those occassions as a Westerner, is it considered strange if you wear a hanfu also? In my opinion wouldn't be stranger than Chinese in xizhuang!
Posted on: Check Your Spam
July 08, 2010, 03:59 PMThat's similar to my native Romanian word for it, "telecomanda". Never thought of it as being special before, I guess native speakers don't always realize a part of the "mirage" of their language. Doesn't seem too far from "remote controller" in my opinion though, since it basically means "distance command". The two aren't that far off in meaning.
Posted on: Check Your Spam
July 08, 2010, 03:52 PMWah, I think noone can compete with my 5000 email INBOX in which like 90% is actually spam... T.T 我的收件箱实在有五千个邮件,没有时间歼灭它们。。。我的收件箱比我的垃圾邮件有很大的有用邮件百分。。。哈哈
Great lesson :D
Posted on: Welcome to ChinesePod
July 08, 2010, 01:51 PMHello everyone! :) I am Alex and I look forward to learning Chinese on this great site. For a long time I have been fascinated by Chinese philosophy, literature, music, opera, and art, and I started studying seriously last year. Not even a year yet and I almost reached the mark of knowing 1000个汉字 yay :) altough ofcourse I probably forgot a number of them along the way, though I hope not too many. I am really glad to have found this site!
C'yall around ;)
Posted on: Asking about What to Wear
September 06, 2010, 11:27 AMI've heard of a hanfu-revival movement that encourages the Chinese to wear hanfu casually again. It didn't catch on too much yet, but I sure hope it does! China would be so beautiful and special if it is again one of the only places where people don't dress in jeans and t-shirts. It'll also attract a whole lot of tourism. But maybe it will never happen... :(