User Comments - greysparrow
Posted on: 孟婆汤
October 04, 2015, 11:31 PMI agree that it's important to be clear what dialect we are being taught. I don't mind learning Taiwanese though I live in the PRC, but I'd like to be aware of it.
Posted on: I'm So Happy! 快乐、高兴、幸福
September 16, 2015, 10:17 AMYes, great lessonm but what about 开心?I find myself using it a lot, and now I'm wondering whether that's been correct.
Maybe the teachers have just picked three words to make learning easier, but I'd rather have all the options and shades of meaning on my palette for a bigger picture.
Posted on: 【宋词】声声慢
September 08, 2015, 09:15 AMThanks for the awesomelesson! I love all the poetry lessons, and I think the live format works great.
Posted on: We love each other! 彼此,互相,对方
September 08, 2015, 08:24 AMI second the request the 相互 request. Is it the same as 互相?
Posted on: My Imaginary Boyfriend's Taken
August 28, 2015, 09:06 AMThere's a mistake in the pinyin for one expansion sentence. In 我写的这么辛苦etc 行 is pinyined xing instead of hang.
Posted on: 喵星人
August 19, 2015, 06:33 AM第一次听这节课的时候没想到自己会遇到同样的情况。两个月后朋友在山上捡了一只很小的猫咪,还没睁眼,估计出生只有四天。我们都不知道怎么养他。但他生命力很大,不满意的时候不停的哭,让我们找办法照顾他。真的要每三个小时喂他,我们一个多星期没睡过好觉。现在他已经长大了,两个月了,超可爱。刚捡的时候浑身都是苍蝇蛋。可惜我没有他最小时候的照片,这里他已经睁开眼睛了。
Posted on: Molotov Cocktail
May 30, 2015, 07:12 AMIn this sentence in the grammar section 你非要气死我才高兴 , doesn't 气死我 mean "to piss me off, make me angry" rather than "be furious with me"?
Posted on: The Good Life
May 20, 2015, 10:00 AM正巧,我刚好开始学朴门,还有自然建筑,这个月在种菜盖泥土的房子!真好玩!不过这节课的词汇有点简单,能不能做一个中高或者高级的课程呢?谢谢!
Posted on: The Good Life
May 20, 2015, 09:53 AMAccording tomy dictionary 给 in that case means "supply" and has different pronunciation ji3.
Posted on: I Can't Handle Spicy Food
October 05, 2015, 10:46 AMIn (some parts of) India you are served yoghurt with every meal, and it's a really good pepper remedy. It's been a couple years so I don't remember whether it kept working until the next morning :P Unfortunately, real yoghurt is hard to find in mainland China...