User Comments - haining
Posted on: An Invitation to the God of Wealth
April 29, 2010, 09:52 PM我也想知道关羽怎么变成武财神?
Posted on: An Invitation to the God of Wealth
April 29, 2010, 07:46 PMI heard there was a character for wealth/fortune/prosperity that was composed of two parts; one part means tragedy while the other part means opportunity. The meaning is something like from tragedy comes opportunity, hence the final translation of "wealth, prosperity, fortune".
Not sure if this is one character or a two character word. Does this sound familiar? I'm curious what the character is.
Posted on: Playing the Stock Market
April 28, 2010, 10:40 PMWhat's the difference between 冒险and 风险? Is there any difference?
Posted on: Love Tangle 3: One Night Stand
April 27, 2010, 09:21 PMJenny said there was a story behind the "黄花" that would be discussed in the comments, but I couldn't find it. Anyone?
Posted on: 漫画《三国演义》
April 21, 2010, 05:23 PMThe link to the article is not working. 现代漫画讲述《三国演 义》(1)
Posted on: An Introduction!
April 20, 2010, 06:52 PMI completely agree with those who said..."if you don't like it, don't listen to it". China is huge and diverse. No one expects to master all or even many dialects, but exposure to the variety will improve your understanding of the culture as a whole. Even if you are an elementary/intermediate, you might take the opportunity to listen to the lessons, just to get the flavor and broaden your mind.
Posted on: An Introduction!
April 20, 2010, 06:48 PMLikewise..just joined and probably won't post much, but immediately upon seeing the Shanghainese section, I thought...what about Cantonese?? It is spoken by a MUCH larger percentage of the Chinese population than Shanghainese. I'm not knocking Shanghainese, but I certainly hope Cantonese gets it's own section as well because I'm SURE there are plenty who would find it just as useful as (if not more than) Shanghainese. Looking forward to the new lessons you mentioned above, Catherine! Kudos on the first lesson!
Posted on: Calling People Names
May 07, 2010, 08:26 PMAgreed, very hard to follow and not even close to the mark. Are you using some system found somewhere else. I remember that was part of a discussion on the intro lesson commentary. Maybe someone can come up with a better romanization that uses some of the familiar sound combinations from pin yin.