User Comments - jevious
Posted on: Tone Rule: Two Third Tones
April 23, 2009, 05:15 AM面条:
wow,Chengdu is one of the most beautiful cities in China.i'm a junior student study in Nanchang.and i'm also learning english.ur chinese is so good.How i wish my english can be as good as ur chinese sometime.
Posted on: Rise and Shine!
April 23, 2009, 04:30 AMhi pete
我是用“丑陋的英国佬”来骂当时的英国侵略者。“丑陋”是用来骂人的,“佬”字不是用来骂人的。没想到你很在意人和佬的区别。那我就来说明一下吧,佬:人的代称。常指成年男子。在汉语里久而久之,佬常用作称呼非本地人,不是针对外国人 ,我们在国内称呼外省的人也用佬,like四川佬、东北佬……,其实也没什么特殊的贬义。Thanks for pointing out this hot-button word. i will pay attention to it and i won't use 佬 to foreigners in future.
Posted on: Tone Rule: Two Third Tones
April 23, 2009, 02:53 AM面条兄!别来无恙!
哈哈!“很丢脸我啊!” --> “我很丢脸啊!”or “很丢我脸啊!”
发音是 你3/给3我3买3 ,如果这句话说快点,你(给我)买,括号里的字读轻声,但还是第三声。呵呵。
Posted on: Rise and Shine!
April 23, 2009, 02:04 AMhi miantiao
“我的中文今天又进步点。”这句话听起来有点别扭,我们一般是不会这么说的,我们说:“我的中文今天又进步了点”或者说“我的中文今天又有了点进步”更好! 呵呵。
Posted on: Rise and Shine!
April 23, 2009, 01:25 AMfirst,i want to apologize to every NEWBIE learners here for my bad words and destroying the atmosphere of learning here.首先,对我的粗口和破坏了这的学习氛围向大家道歉。i'm glad to see there are so many foreigners learning chinese.真心希望大家能把中文说得更牛逼!
至:miantiao 是叫面条么?
还有,“再次错过”means "再次miss",意思完全反了。“但是理解其是让我们认错而改进以免再次错过。”应该说成:“但是理解它们是让我们知错而该以免重蹈覆辙。”也许这能更地道点。
hi mickeytoon and paulinurus
i'm so sorry to hear that.i think you've mistaken my meaning. the people i called 丑陋的英国佬 are the persons who commited aggression against us 100 years doesn't mean all of the englishmen并不是指所有的英国人。i also like Shakespeare,MONTGOMERY,david beckham and many other englishman. every country has its ugly is china.柏杨(A CHINESE WRITER) had written a book called 《丑陋的中国人》.and i like this book very much.I think you won't hear that you hopefully want on ur travels.and i'm sure you have not heared it in the past.Chinese are friendly and respect to everyone who are friendly.
as miantiao say the history has passed,all that hatred is ancient history to us! And it should stay that way!We won't carry a vindictive mentality,and also we won't forget the history.
hi pete,
i've apologized for the bad words to you yesterday.but it seems that you didn't accept my today i apologize for the bad words again.Don't use the words"made full use of the anonymity of the Internet",i'm not the gay who leave the words and leave away. 我昨天语言过激,今天心情已平静下来,如果可以的话我收回昨天的脏话,你也不用再抓着那几句粗口在那信口开河。如果你是不知道或是没意识到那张图片对中国人来说意味着什么而开的那个玩笑,不知者无罪,如果真的不是出于恶意,我也不想对你那个图片玩笑再说什么了。只是希望以后别拿我们的伤痛来开玩笑,即使你是是局外人也不要说风凉话,那是站着说话不腰疼。正如你说的,我们在这段历史上确实是敏感的,也是脆弱的。看你挺喜欢中文,而且中文学的也还可以,爱屋及乌,希望你也能理解中国人的感受。
Posted on: Rise and Shine!
April 21, 2009, 12:00 PM首先,我承认我当时语言过激,没分清青红皂白,那是我看到那张图片的第一情绪。在这里对骂你的事道歉。
Posted on: Rise and Shine!
April 21, 2009, 09:47 AM還有句話送給你,你是只狗崽并不可悲,可悲的是你拿你祖宗做的狗事搬出來眩耀。
Posted on: Rise and Shine!
April 21, 2009, 09:22 AMpearltowerpete 你他媽發那張圖片什麽意思?那個笑嘻嘻的死光頭笑的真淫蕩,簡直就是:巴黎聖母院少了個敲鐘的就是你了,你一出門,千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅!真想咬你一口,可惜我是回民。戳嗯媽嘎鱉!
Posted on: Boston
April 24, 2009, 09:44 AM韋香主