User Comments - kubus
Posted on: Are You Happy, Content, or Delighted?
May 02, 2009, 01:35 PM祝你来海南玩得开心!你打算来海口吗?这里的生活好幸福哦,你来的话我们一定要给你介绍一些好玩的地方!
Posted on: 南海一号
March 03, 2009, 08:04 AM谢谢Connie! changye,嗯,依我看,统治城市该是件头疼的事情,换了是我,我会无偿得把它们交给他人管。还得到块和氏璧因该算是不错的吧!
Posted on: 澳洲总理秀中文
March 03, 2009, 07:48 AM:-( 这节课也下载不了原料了。我觉得很可惜,你们辛辛苦苦的录了多少媒体课程,等原材料失踪了就全废了,怎么办?
Posted on: 陈冠希事件
March 03, 2009, 06:38 AM现在链接连不上了,你们有没有文本的备份?
Posted on: 南海一号
February 26, 2009, 03:09 PM我真可想知道“价值连城”的背后故事!在播客中都下了承诺给我们分析呢,一年过来还能让你们履行吗?
Posted on: 风水与五行
February 21, 2009, 12:22 PM请问,遵偱和遵循是一样的吗?我的字典只有遵循……
Posted on: Pregnancy Series 3: Prenatal Checkup
February 19, 2009, 11:01 AMHiya, could I put in a request for EVEN MORE ultra-topical lessons? Especially at the advanced & media levels. My chinese friends really seem to like raising current events in conversation and I'm often stumped because of specific vocab I need. Eg, this week it was the collision between British and French subs which got disproportionately covered on CCTV. But I didn't know 潜艇,雷达,核武器 etc so was at a loss trying to verbally defend the ability of my country to keep its nuclear weapons safe... It would be great if you could quickly follow up important global news stories with a relevant lesson. Maybe even a new channel? I loved for example the lesson on the subprime crisis and got to use every single item of vocab in real life in the following week, which meant it got nicely activated and revised.
This is something chinesepod can really do better than anyone else, you should be making even more of it, especially now you have a very rich accumulation of less topical lessons on the site.
all IMHO :)
Posted on: Pregnancy Series 2: Pregnancy House Ar-rest
February 03, 2009, 06:40 AMIn the case of the guy who was 耍得团团转 could you translate it as 'taken for a spin', 'taken for a ride'? :-)
Posted on: Slang-ular Momentum
February 01, 2009, 09:55 AMAnother one I ran into recently
BS鄙视, I think it means to look down on something or something, can anyone explain it better?
Posted on: 小太监进宫
May 13, 2009, 01:51 PM话题有趣,词汇丰富,这节课我给满分!我比较喜欢这些有想象力的课程,不像以前一些对白听多了会显得有点枯燥。我等不及下一节!