User Comments - lizpark
Posted on: Chinese New Year Plans
March 28, 2010, 11:49 AMAdd, sometime "长辈" means someone is old than(or like) your parents.
if you are 30 years old
Someone is 40 years old.
I don't think he/she is your "长辈"
But if he/she is above 50 years old, I think he/she is your "长辈"
Posted on: Chinese New Year Plans
March 28, 2010, 11:42 AM"老一辈"or "老前辈" have the meaning "older generation, seniors".
but "长辈"、"前辈" don't have.
"老一辈" usually used to some people:
example:A, B and C are "老一辈" scientists of Chinese.
"老前辈" usually used to someone:
example:A is a "老前辈" scientist of Chinese.
and you can call A:"good morning, "老前辈"!"but you can't call A:"good morning, "老一辈"!"
Your parents are your "长辈".Include your anut, uncle, grandmother....
A women who is 30 years old. She has a son. She is the baby's "长辈",too! but I don't think the women is senior.
"前辈" means he, she or they has/have more experience than you.
example: An American boy who is 10 years old. He can understand "What are the differences between:长辈/老一辈/前辈", but you can't. He is your "前辈" at Chiese learning.
Posted on: 功夫之王
March 28, 2010, 11:17 AM我一直都不明白少林功夫、空手道有什么区别,谁能告诉我?英语中文都行
Posted on: Is it far?
March 28, 2010, 11:08 AMI think the comment will be not removed by ChinesePod staff, Because these Chinese words actually are the translation of the English sentence!
I think you are a newbie. You can't understand the meant of my Chinese sentence.
Posted on: Travel by Tour Group
March 28, 2010, 10:57 AMusually, "都怪我不好" means someone blamed himself/herselt made something to mess.
A:We can't see what time is it....
B:都怪我不好,I have lost the watch...
but, if you add a subject into the sentence:
example:“ 你们 都怪我不好!”
it means "You can't blame ONLY me for the thing!"
A:We can't see what time is it because you have lost the watch!
B:为什么你们都怪我不好?The watch was stolen by a thief! Why don't you blame the thief?!
不过这种说法比较少见 :)
Posted on: 老上海印象
March 28, 2010, 10:04 AM同意楼上
阿木林(A MORON),混枪势(混CHANGCE),码子(寿头码子,小刁码子等,MOULDS),嗲(DEAR),拉三(LASSIE),大兴(DASHY),噶三壶(GOSSIP),瘪三(BEGSIR),戆大(GANDER),接领子(接LEADS),扎台型(扎DASHING),邋遢(LITTER),蹩脚(BILGE),肮三(ON SALE)
Posted on: 上火
March 28, 2010, 09:55 AM中医说香蕉和猕猴桃是非常寒性的东西,长期大量吃的人体质会变寒,然后就容易上火了
Posted on: 上火
March 28, 2010, 09:54 AM我觉得上火这个概念对于外国人来说实在是太难理解了。
Posted on: Is it far?
March 28, 2010, 09:36 AMIt's same in some context. Note, it's not same in every context.
It's not everyone work in company. if you are a teacher, you answer "我去公司", you'll made someone confused.
It depends on the context in which if these sentence are same.
Posted on: Is it far?
March 28, 2010, 12:07 PMyou'd better say"你很漂亮!"
and "这个中文 网站(wang3 zhan4)很好 "