User Comments - mark

Posted on: You're Infuriating
October 09, 2016, 05:27 PMThe thing being ranked is how much of a jerk the other person is.
Posted on: 孝道: Filial Piety
October 01, 2016, 02:53 AMYep, working. Thanks.
Posted on: 孝道: Filial Piety
September 23, 2016, 01:02 PMDownloads are failing.
Posted on: 姓名学 Nomenclature
July 31, 2016, 04:03 AMI've been curious about how Chinese names are picked for a while. Thanks for some clues.
Posted on: Women's Day Special
March 12, 2016, 06:21 PMMy impression of 武则天,is that her reputation is more mixed than presented in the podcast. Toward the bulk of the population her policies were benevolent, and allowed the Tang dynasty to continue to prosper. However, her hold on power was never entirely secure. So, see accepted anonymous accusations which resulted in innocents and conspirators alike being tortured and executed. Some officials exploited this to their personal advantage by denouncing worthy rivals. So, every functionary had to be half mindful of keeping his head on his shoulders, and half mindful of whatever job he was supposed to be doing.
After she died, it did not end well for her relatives and closest supporters.
Depending on the political circumstances at the time, she seems to be held up as an example of good or evil. For example, when Mao's wife was attempting to succeed Mao, 武则天 was an example of the ills that could result from a female leader. More recently, she has been somewhat redeemed as an historical example of a strong and capable woman.
She is both despot, and good and benevolent emperor, depending on which aspects of her story the viewer chooses to dwell on.
In comparison with other emperors, in Chinese history there are may examples of bad governance that she can be compared with favorably. She was not stupid, didn't ignore the needs of the country for her own pleasures, and didn't sponsor construction projects that were too much for the common people to bear. However, by modern standards, she was pretty ruthless.
Posted on: 聂隐娘 "The Assassin"
January 10, 2016, 02:15 PMDo the 想到, 想起来,想出来 in the banner under the lesson image have anything to do with this lesson, or did they just bleed over from the Qing Wen?
Posted on: Nirvana In Fire 琅琊榜
December 08, 2015, 03:35 AM
Posted on: 11.11 Singles Day
November 14, 2015, 07:11 AMA net friend said she got a round trip ticket to Xian for $40.
Posted on: Teleshopping 生机精华萃取机
October 30, 2015, 03:14 AM@Gwilym I think it would be best if the skit was integrated into the video.
Having to find what to click on to play the skit was a distraction. The first time, the pause timed out before I figured it out.
I never did figure out how to resume the lesson in place, but just had to sit through the intro again.
Posted on: It's Hard to Shed Fat
October 23, 2016, 04:19 PMIt wouldn't surprise me, if this were a Taiwan usage.