Lesson Comments

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On September 16, 01:19 AM by guoqiang

These are really good videos, thanks! Read more

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Posted on: Night Cat
On September 15, 02:34 AM by davittt38

Great lesson, although the expansion and grammar sections of this felt significantly more difficult than the other Intermediate lessons - it took me a... Read more

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On September 11, 05:29 PM by mogkupo26912

I don't see a resource section to download pinyin chart ..... Read more

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On September 07, 09:47 PM by rivergandee21

我一吃披薩,就要吃很多的。 As soon as I eat pizza, I want to eat more. 我一看見妹妹,就要說的她。 As soon as I see my little sister, I want to talk with her. Would these work... Read more

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On August 27, 06:47 AM by sia1rita242

In the video what Josh mean when he says: 请多指教? My dictionary translated this as: "please give me advice" where 指 means 'finger' and 教 means 'teach' Read more

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On August 27, 06:44 AM by sia1rita242

What do you say the second time you meet your client on a professional basis? And the 3rd time?Can I just keep repeating 久仰久仰 ,everytime I see them? Read more

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Posted on: Letting it All Out
On August 26, 01:17 AM by davittt38

Thanks for the lesson. However, when i am doing the exercises the audio doesn't work on iPad for the transcribing exercises Read more

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On August 22, 10:51 AM by reccyuan40

I admit I had to look up the idiom "to know which side your bread is buttered on." For anyone else unfamiliar with that phrase, the Collins dictionary... Read more

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On August 22, 10:48 AM by reccyuan40

Great lesson! I didn't know that Chinese TV has frequent commercials promoting filial piety. Is this a recent development? Read more

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On August 09, 06:12 PM by Brawlio

¿why does the lesson end with over six minutes left of silent audio? Read more