User Comments - mrluobo

Posted on: Chinese Fruits
July 12, 2010, 09:36 AM杨梅Mojitos:
Ingredients: a few mint leaves, 1 lime, simple syrup, ice, rum, soda water, and of course, 杨梅 (pitted and chopped into delicious chunks).
1. make simple syrup (combine equal parts water and sugar over low heat until mixed)
2. place a few teaspoons of simple syrup into the bottom of a sturdy glass. Add the Mint leaves and grind it until its minty flavor is released.
3. add one or two lime slices and repeat the grinding process (either with a mortar or a heavy spoon).
4. fill your glass with ice
5. add rum (I'm not going to tell how you much to add... hehehe)
6. add the 杨梅 chunks
7. fill glass halfway with soda water
8. stir
9. fill the remainder of glass with soda water
10. add a mint leaf and lime slice for garnish and enjoy!
(If you liked this 杨梅 recipe, please add more or post to the ChinesePod blog)
Posted on: Yellow Mountain
July 12, 2010, 08:24 AM怎么这么巧?! 我也去过两次!
Posted on: A Short Haircut
October 13, 2010, 03:50 AM不管我怎么告诉他们如何剪我的头发,最后我看起来还是像一个理发师