User Comments - ohdannyboy

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Posted on: More than 50 kuai!
May 19, 2008, 12:46 PM


Posted on: Going to the Pharmacy
April 20, 2008, 05:31 PM

谢谢Gesang,我以前看到了着(what's the 量词 for software?)个,但是我是小气的人。。。有人知道好用的免费的 input software? (Thanks Gesang, I saw this one before before, but I'm too cheap to pony up the cash...anyone know of any decent free pieces of input software?) Then again 70 RMB is hardly a king's ransom...

Posted on: Going to the Pharmacy
April 20, 2008, 02:31 PM

(Oh yeah...but I still like it better than the default Windows one)

Posted on: Going to the Pharmacy
April 20, 2008, 02:31 PM

How about Mac input options? I'm getting a bit weary of the built-in OS X pinyin input module. It doesn't learn very much, doesn't do well with long strings of words, isn't easy to edit, doesn't have a very big dictionary, buries very common characters bafflingly far down in the choices of characters, etc. Anybody have any good alternatives to recommend?

Posted on: Tomb Sweeping Day
April 05, 2008, 11:27 AM

Well let's thank Ken for responding so quickly! One reason I'm more than happy to shell out my annual membership fee.

Posted on: Tomb Sweeping Day
April 05, 2008, 02:22 AM

I have a broad suggestion. We seem to get a lot of these topical festival lessons the day of or the day after the actual holiday/festival (Western New Year's Eve, Valentines Day, April Fool's Day, and Tomb-Sweeping day all come to mind). It sure would be nice if those of us living in China could get these bits of language the day before the holiday, so we could get the word into our heads and be able to jump into the conversation when we hear people talking about it. (I don't have time for CP in the mornings). Just my two cents.

Posted on: Art Museum
March 27, 2008, 11:53 PM

I see your point Mike. I tend to think of admission as the physical act of entering (although my dictionary says that, traditionally, admittance has been used for that meaning.) In any case, I was mostly trying to agree with the previous post ("How many people are in love with Jenny from her voice?") without coming off as a cultist.

Posted on: Art Museum
March 27, 2008, 10:23 AM

I am, Sono. Nevertheless, I am still willing to correct her. I think "free admission" or "free of admission fees" would be better than "admission free," which makes it sounds like nobody will be admitted. :)

Posted on: MSN and QQ
March 04, 2008, 03:22 PM

^Oh, God: the grammar in my previous post is atrocious. I promise in the future, before clicking on the "Add Comment" button, to actually read what I've just written.

Posted on: MSN and QQ
March 04, 2008, 03:19 PM

I've never met anybody in China who uses Yahoo...I guess we hang with different circles. QQ for Windows is what I would call very "invasive" software. Seems to embed itself quite deeply into the operating system. As a Mac user, where most programs are a single file that can be completely erased by dragging into the trash can, I tend to mistrust such software. Be careful with this software, click a few wrong buttons and suddenly the person you're talking to can take control of your mouse cursor from his/her computer and go poking around your computer looking at all your documents, etc. QQ for Mac is still extremely basic, and QQ for Windows English version also doesn't have the full functionality of the Chinese version. Overall, I think the software is very good for what it's used for. Socially awkward students attempting to express themselves and communicate with each other, but for a Western adult it's a bit over the top. I think, however, that for somebody who is looking for a clean interface, reliability, fast file transfers, and good voice quality, Skype (Mac and PC versions) beats QQ and MSN hands down. Skype is also gaining popularity very quickly among Chinese people, especially among young professionals.