User Comments - phoebepalmer

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Posted on: Characters - The New Co-Worker
June 24, 2018, 04:59 PM

I always enjoy hearing the methods/stories etc people use to learn characters, so I liked this lesson.  I realize it's time consuming, but a short form of something like this would accompany every lesson in an ideal world. I'm envisioning it along side the Expansion and Grammar, maybe highlighting some of the characters in the Expansion.  For me it wouldn't have to be a video.  Seems it could be written out like in the Tuttle Learning Characters book.  Video is great too, but possible harder to produce.  At this particular stage in my studies, I'm not actively studying new characters, just trying to maintain the old ones, but something like this might spur me on.

I also like the idea of a series of lessons, perhaps in a section all their own, on all the radicals.

Thanks for the good lesson.

Posted on: The New Coworker
June 11, 2018, 07:59 PM

I totally agree.  While I wish the hosts well, and assume they will get better and better, I find it surprising they apparently did not look at,much less study, previous lessons in order to be in sync. Doesn’t seem like any effort was made in that direction.


Posted on: The New Coworker
June 11, 2018, 04:41 PM

I agree with most of the comments.  May I suggest you check out John Pasden's intermediate lessons, once he got his stride.  Lesson 1730 would be a good example.  The Chinese/English balance is just how I like it.  No video, but in general  I don't find video too helpful ( though most won't agree with me I imagine).  Certainly in intermediate there is not a need to show the dialogue on the screen word for word.  This is detrimental to listening practice.  If there is banter it definitely should be mostly in Chinese.

In this lesson it wasn't just that the video jumped a lot, the whole lesson had a rushed quality, perhaps from the editing, perhaps from first lesson jitters. For me the lesson can be a little longer and not cut so quickly.  I would also like more Chinese examples, say for how to use "wo" (to grasp), or of a sentence structure you discuss.  Also the longer the expansion section the better.

Again, you can't do better than studying the John Pasden lessons.  He is a superlative teacher.

Posted on: Two Headed Snake
April 09, 2016, 05:15 PM

Why is there a 的 in the sentence 我 养 了 十 年 的 猪 but not in the next sentence 我 吃 了 这么 多 年 蛇 肉?