User Comments - pituitaryadenoma
Posted on: Thirsty for Water
May 11, 2008, 12:03 PMHi Changye, Ha....expecting me? I realize that Chinese text books that teach non-Native chinese is quite different from books used to teach native Chinese. Non-native Chinese text books emphasize a lot on grammar while native Chinese text books for native almost don't talk about grammar. I am sorry for the confusion. I am just speaking it from a native point. I don't why you get the impression that it is a "challenge" to conventional Chinese textbooks, but phrases like this 冰凉凉的, 雪白白的 etc are very commonly used not just in daily conversation, but also modern Chinese literatures. Grammatically, it is also perfectly right. I hope my posts help everyone here, in my opinion, Chinese should be spoken the way native speak it, regardless of what non-native textbooks said. Again, I am sorry if my post cause you more confusion.
Posted on: Thirsty for Water
May 11, 2008, 10:21 AMDear hitokiri, You can use 冰冰涼涼的, it really depends on your context and how your want to form your whole sentence. The most important thing is to make it sound natural and not awkward. In the above examples given by changye, 冰冰涼涼的 is acceptable but does not sound natural, therefore I wouldn't recommend you using it.
Posted on: Thirsty for Water
May 11, 2008, 10:16 AMDear Changye, 冰凉凉的 is actually grammatically correct, it is very commonly used and is a very natural way of describing cool drink by native speakers. So what is often used on the net by the natives is most likely right. 冰凉冰凉的 on the other hand, does not sound natural, there is really no reason to repeat the adjective twice in such a manner. The same goes for 雪白白的.
Posted on: Where Do You Live?
May 10, 2008, 11:37 AMDear Changye, Your examples are all correct. Both 住在上海 and 在上海住 are equally common, both are also equally natural. It is more of personal preference rather than regional. (1)友達に会いに東京へ行きます。 (2)友達に東京へ会いにいきます。 It is just like the above Japanese sentences.
Posted on: 对症下药
May 04, 2008, 09:05 AMHi changye, Your "even lined" style is not easy at all even for a native like me. I can imagine you must have put in tremendous amount of effort to make it happen. よく出来ました、頑張って下さい。
Posted on: 对症下药
May 04, 2008, 08:52 AMHi Jenny, 不客气。 我认为本文的错误主要是医学理念和概念上的错误。而非知识上的错误。生病了去看药剂师,而药剂师也越线诊断未见过面的病人并“开药”给病人,这样的行为是不应该被鼓励的。 另一方面,药剂师对“症状”下药就犯医学上最严重的错误。现代医学概念是对“病”下药而非对“症状”下药,由于药剂师本身没有接受过正规的疾病诊断训练,而以对“症”下药的方式开药给病人,是种非常危险的行为。一种症状可以有很多种鉴别诊断,鉴别诊断下的每一种疾病未必有着同一种方式治疗,相反的,很多时候,虽有同样的病征,但其治疗方式却天壤之别。相互对调的话,重者可以造成死亡。 而本课中所提及的鼻塞,嗓子痛,流鼻涕和咳嗽,有很多种鉴别诊断,该药剂师只听一面之词就草率下定客人的太太患了感冒,是非常不服责任的行为。这4种病征的鉴别诊断主要包括感冒,花粉症,敏感,喉咙炎,流行性感冒,鼻涕倒流征候群,百日咳,鼻窦炎和急性支气管炎。以上每一种疾病都有不同的治疗方法,药剂师以对“症状”开药,而完全忽略医学上最重要的鉴别诊断是非常危险的,再者,也没有达到本课中对症下药一词所要传达的真正含义。 医生是以对“病”下药的概念治疗患者,对“症状”下药的治疗方式一般是用于连医生或医学家都不知道的奇难杂症或是没有治疗方法的疾病,如普通感冒。所以,本课中,除非非常确定病人患的是普通感冒,不然以对“症状”下药的方式来治疗,并不恰当而且非常危险。 虽说药剂师这样的行为在中国比比皆是,但却不应该被鼓励或宣传。有病看医生才是王道。好啦,不说医学了,这本是中文课,不想再打扰大家学中文的雅兴。^_^ Hi koreankilla, Evidence based medicine has shown that cold cannot be caused by weather change. Weather changes may downgrade your body immune system, but if you are not exposed to the virus that can cause a cold, you are not going to get a cold. It is like if you are not exposed to HIV, you cannot get AIDS. Cold air can induce asthma, but it is asthma, not cold. The treatment for asthma is very different from cold. Hi auntie68, Regardless of which country they are trained, licensed pharmacists are ONLY being trained in the area of pharmacology and related fields, that is their specialty. They, however, are not trained and not qualify to give patients diagnosis. Giving diagnosis required special clinical training in which pharmacists are not subjected to during their schooling. It is very dangerous for a pharmacists to give diagnosis. They don't have the knowledge and experience to do so. Even a doctor requires years of training to be able give a correct diagnosis. Sorry, no offend to pharmacists. Hi Changye, Your written Chinese is awesome, you are way ahead of most non-native learning Chinese. I like 古汉语 too, 找天我们来研究研究。 Hi Henning, 吃不来 is not the most common term used by most Chinese, regardless of region. 吃不惯 is a more common term.
Posted on: Formal Introduction
May 02, 2008, 05:05 AMTo Boran, 大家好 and 你们好 are the same if you are addressing the same people. Either one will be fine.
Posted on: 对症下药
May 02, 2008, 04:24 AMguolanusa, 你知道吗? 由于医生和大众滥用抗生素的结果,导致大部分的病菌出现抵抗能力。青霉素就是一个例子,青霉素原来对很多众病菌都很有效,但如今其用途已大不如从前。 另一方面,每种病菌都需要不一样的抗生素的治疗,市面根本就没有万能抗生素,没有一种抗生素是可以治疗所有病菌的。滥用抗生素,除了对你身体造成伤害,也可能造成该病菌产生抵抗能力,以后如果你再患同样的病,就不能用同一种药了,到时候你可能要花更多的钱来买更贵的药。
Posted on: 对症下药
May 02, 2008, 04:13 AM或许我大惊小怪,或许我犯了职业病。但是,基于中文播客本质上属教育性教材,虽说其重点在于提升非中文使用者的中文能力,但是,这里所传达的常识也会随之进入你的脑海里。久而久之,你也神不知鬼不觉的接受这里所传达的讯息,这才是真正可怕的地方。这也就是为什么普罗大众对这样一般的医学常识有着错误的观点。就是因为连教育工作者对这方面的常识也只是一知半解,而错误讯息从教育工作者传出之后,便一传十,十传百,以讹传讹,造成大众的误解。 小弟以为,这里的主持人都很棒,很尽责的传授中文知识,发扬中华文化,是非常值得敬佩的,我也知道主持人并无心,因为这也是一般民众所犯的错误。所以我并不怪中文播客,我只是希望cpod的人能理解,由于你们的播客深受广大民众的欢迎,你们在这里所传达的任何知识和看法,多多少少都会对民众有一定的影响,而这些影响是你们往往看不到的。 如果大家觉得我太敏感,我向大家道歉。我也只是希望在听的大家对这样的一般医学常识能更准确的了解。
Posted on: Thirsty for Water
May 11, 2008, 02:41 PMHi changye, are welcome, I hope I can be helpful. 散散步 is the most commonly used one. 散步散步 can be heard too, but not very common, and this is definitely very colloquial. Your chinese level is very high, I suggest you study classical/ancient chinese, every native chinese speakers who went through 12 years of basic education will have to study classical chinese, by the time they finish high schools, most of them can read basic classical chinese, the knowledge of classical chinese is what truly form the language basis of a chinese native. Without knowledge of classical chinese, you can never be considered fluent or proficient in Chinese language. You will also be able to understand Chinese grammar better if you have knowledge of classical chinese, you will also feel that you have the skill to play around with words...