User Comments - scheu

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Posted on: Mobile Repairman
May 15, 2008, 07:53 PM

Thanks longdehua, I looked up in google-china and found quite some passages with 打9.5折

Posted on: Chicago
May 09, 2008, 07:19 PM

Hello Cpod Staff! it is nice to let user blog around - but for so called "premium account users" it would be also nice to get answers to the questions raised about the lessons - my previous until now unanswered question (lesson about repairman how to express in chinese 5% discount) and my question in this lesson about how to deal about transcription issues remain unanswered (transcripting pizza as 比萨 , 批萨 or 披萨) a practical advise how to deal with transcripting modern words in chinese (the same question I had about the Cpod transcritption for yoga) - is the method a valid one to look at the occurence in the net) or is there an authoritative website for transcritptions?

Posted on: Mobile Repairman
May 08, 2008, 12:45 PM

Auntie 66 - thank you! But how to say than in this way 5% discount?

Posted on: Mobile Repairman
May 07, 2008, 09:21 PM

Expressing discounts: Could you please explain the maths behind the expression of discounts: how do "8" in 打八折 translate into "20 percent" ? Here the sentence from the expansion and the translation given: 多买可以打八折,很合算的。 (If you buy more you can have a twenty percent discount; it's a really good value.)

Posted on: Chicago
May 07, 2008, 05:47 PM

An answer to the question Rich rightly raised (transcripting pizza as 比萨 , 批萨 or 披萨) would interest me - and also a practical advise how to deal with transcripting modern words in chinese (the same question I had about the Cpod transcritption for yoga) - is his method a valid one (to look at the occurence in the net) or is there an authoritative website for transcritptions?

Posted on: Overseas Chinese
April 27, 2008, 11:58 AM

@Jenny, 谢谢你的邀请探索-跨国和跨文化的主题。语言有意思因为帮助我们董文化的分别。每个文化有自己的敏感性。如果你有两个祖国你能用两个方法看到人, 裂解世界。我自己是法国人和德国人, 我的夫人是上海人和我们的孩子们会说三个语言(真的换血儿!)。 有时候是孤独的因为别人常常不理解你, 可是也有趣因为不同的国家也是你的家。

Posted on: Roommates and What Chinese Think of Foreigners
April 26, 2008, 08:22 PM

Interesting lesson, but the subject would merit to dig a bit more into it. Since I am married to a Shanghainese for more than 20 years here some subjects for more podcasts: - smells: different sensitivities, different definitions of what smells like "home", what is a nice smell. - laughing does often not have the same function in western culture than in chinese culture where it often means 不好意思。 - how chinese and westerners react to stress also differs.

Posted on: 澳洲总理秀中文
April 12, 2008, 02:57 PM

Jenny, Conny and Amber, 这课文太好了!!! 我们只需要这种的有意思的消息让我们提高听力的水平。学这课文的时候我觉得词汇量不容易,可是那个 Cpod 词汇课文对我有点太短了:你们看我们还是需要你们的帮助!

Posted on: Train to Beijing
April 09, 2008, 09:53 PM

Is there any difference between a 往返票an a 返程票? Is one of them more used for a certain transportation (plane or train?)? Which is most often used?

Posted on: Detroit
April 09, 2008, 10:39 AM

I'm just working through the expansion phrases of the lesson and here a question: Is there a difference in the use or connotation of 才能 caineng and 本事?