User Comments - sia1rita242
Posted on: Coffee Break Series: How To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome
August 27, 06:44 AMWhat do you say the second time you meet your client on a professional basis? And the 3rd time?
Can I just keep repeating 久仰久仰 ,everytime I see them?
Posted on: Iron Your Clothes
May 10, 2023, 03:30 PM“汤” 和 “烫” 有什么区别吗?
Posted on: Iron Your Clothes
May 10, 2023, 03:18 PM请问, 怎么说 "second tone" 或 "fourth tone"? 是不是 “第二顺“ 或 “第四顺”?
Posted on: Coffee Break Series #3 - First Meeting
January 17, 2023, 08:18 PMThanks for the great video - I am loving this "coffee break" series - my favourite one so far 😁😁👍. Pls may i ask a few questions:
1.) What does Lyn Wang say when Charlie asks her "...and Lyn what do you think will happen with him (*Nick) today?". Please write for me her full sentence response in Chinese (time stamp: -13.34). "在工作当中............."
Posted on: Coffee Break Series #3 - First Meeting
January 17, 2023, 08:18 PM2.) In this sentence, "正在洽谈中" does 正在 and 中 carry the same meaning. Could I for example say: "正在洽谈了" or "洽谈中" instead?
Posted on: Coffee Break Series #3 - First Meeting
January 17, 2023, 08:18 PM3.) Please could you write out for me Lyn Wang's sentence when she speaks about the "...是.........就是..........” sentence structure [time-stamp: 8.29]. She starts by saying “当我们。。。。。”
Posted on: Coffee Break Series #3 - First Meeting
January 17, 2023, 08:17 PM4.) Finally regarding this sentence "今天就到这儿。散会" Charlie says this means that "nobody's leaving just yet" BUT what does this mean in practice? Does it mean that nobody is allowed to go home at all that day until that piece of work is finished? And if so, how does a boss terminate a meeting where everyone can go home at their normal time?
Posted on: Coffee Break Series #3 - First Meeting
a.) Please can the 'dialogue' section include the presenters Chinese sentences in addition to the role-play dialogue? For example in this particular lesson,please incude everything Lyn Wang says in Chinese.
b.) Please can you make the videos rewind-friendly? For example On YouTube, I can fast-foward by double-tapping the screen on the right and I can rewind by double-tapping the screen on the left. But here if I missed something and I wanted to rewind a few seconds back, I would have to manually use the red scroll bar at the bottom of the video.
c.) For the videos, Please could I have the 'pause' button in the centre of the video screen? I ask because when I want to pause the video on my mobile, I have to tap the pause button which is at the bottom left side of the video and this causes me to accidentally tap the red scroll-bar slider which causes my video to return back to the very beginning 😖
d.) Please could you leave me instructions on how to transfer this dialogue automatically onto my skritter app so that I can practice my writing or do I have to transfer manually?
Thank again. Wish you a happy Chinese new year 2023.
Posted on: 3 ways to use 都 dōu
September 15, 2022, 03:55 PMgreat video 谢谢. when asked"这两副太阳镜你想买哪一副?" , Jessica answers: "这两副太阳镜我都想买". Could she just leave out the object in her response and simplly say: "这两副我都想买" - since it is already obvious what the subject is from Josh' question?
Posted on: Coffee Break Series: How To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome
August 27, 06:47 AMIn the video what Josh mean when he says: 请多指教?
My dictionary translated this as: "please give me advice" where 指 means 'finger' and 教 means 'teach'