User Comments - simyfly

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Posted on: 陈冠希事件
February 27, 2008, 05:40 PM

请主持人加强自身的汉语学习好不好,我已经不止一次听到你们的发音错误l了!!! 这里提到的'张柏芝',其中的'柏'(cypress) 读bai3,而不是bo2.柏bo2的音只用于外来音译,如柏林bo2 lin2(Berlin)

Posted on: Romance in the Beauty Pageant
November 25, 2007, 07:40 AM

lol...this lesson is so funny!!! I'm a native speaker of Chinese and I certainly understand it very well. I think it's so hard to translate the word '单纯' into English because of the difference between western and eastern culture. Most people are still very conventional here in China. Men, especially successful business men tend to find girls who have little/no love/sex experience. lol... the overtone of '单纯' here is quite similar to this. If you still have any questions, message me funny