User Comments - synesthasia88

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Posted on: Hungry Traveler: Halal
April 10, 2009, 01:57 AM

A couple of quick comments:

Jenny says that 'to sell' 买 is second tone, but it should be third tone, I think.


I also think that in usage, 香 is often used just as 'tasty' as Jenny said.  That is, I've heard people refer to things like chocolate cake (which is neither 'savory' nor necessarily 'fragrant') as 香.



Posted on: Thoughts on Returning Home 回乡偶书
April 09, 2009, 09:37 PM

Fantastic show! It's beautiful how the phrases 无改 and 不改 line up in the poem.  Any analysis why the poet would use both words instead of choosing just one? I know 无 is more literary, but is there any other difference in meaning?