User Comments - taiwanshaun
Posted on: Noodles and Child Labor
March 21, 2011, 12:42 PM據我所知,根據國際勞工組織,送報屬於一種輕量工作,只要送報員是十三至十五歲的就行了。
Posted on: Noodles and Child Labor
March 21, 2011, 11:34 AM在台北,逛街時,通常可以觀看許多中學生一邊乖幫他們的父母幹活一邊刻苦學習,尤其在餐廳。我覺得他們很辛苦啦~
Posted on: The Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism
March 17, 2011, 06:24 AM是啊!!不知道為什麽,當我發現這個事情的時候,讓我想到有些天主教教士朗誦拉丁的經文,但卻不懂拉丁文。反正梵文的書法非常優美~我超想學啦!
Posted on: New Employee in the Office
March 16, 2011, 08:45 PMI don't know if I'd agree. It seems like there are always more opportunities for listening comprehension (that's pretty much the whole point of the dialogue as well as the full lesson itself), so I appreciate having the opportunity to be able to attempt to convert a sentence from English to Chinese on the fly.
While I'd agree in theory that yes, ideally, the ultimate goal is to get "thinking in Chinese", realistically speaking, most people just aren't at that level yet, so I think going from English to Chinese is at least a stepping stone in that direction.
Posted on: The Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism
March 15, 2011, 06:16 AM雖然我對佛教理論不太清楚,這個中高級課程很有意思!在台灣這裡有繁多傳統的寺廟。有一次我到一座壯麗的寺廟來參加活動,但是當他們在朗誦的時候,我注意了他們的經書裡的句子都看起來是從梵文表音的,所以我沒辦法。感謝Chinesepod幫我更瞭解佛教。
Posted on: Attitudes toward Religion
February 23, 2011, 10:08 AMRe-reading the entire topic, I realize the first sentence was an error.
Specifically directed at:
guest says
"Well, personally, I hope that ANY of the organised religions would stay OUT of china as much as possible. I hope the government would keep its ban on foreigners missionaries acting their spell on Chinese. They do not need to be saved, their system is working just fine - organised religion will only take this country apart."
Posted on: Attitudes toward Religion
January 24, 2011, 07:21 AM(sigh) Anything even distantly related to religion really brings'em out of the woodwork...
Allow me to quickly refute a couple of points:
If you allow the government control over something as intangible and nebulous as people's personal beliefs systems, you are effectively giving them the green light to start to expand their control over anything else that they deem to be culturally or morally unhealthy. By giving them the legal authority, this sets a precedent. Furthermore, I don't understand your reasoning that organized religion does indeed cause some kind of "national instability", why hasn't all of Europe been affected by this(please don't point to the medieval inquisitions or I'm going to facepalm)
2. Organized religion vs spirituality
Organized religion, like any social group, has been directly or indirectly responsible for great good and great evil throughout the world. Frankly, whether a person chooses to pursue their faith in a church, or in their home is a decision for them to make alone.
3. Keeping foreign missionaries out of China
When I read this, your tone made it sound like it should be reworded to: "Keep Christian missionaries out of China", or am I wrong in that regard? What exactly will this accomplish? I would like to think that the people of China are developed and mature enough to make up their own minds when encountering new ideas.
Finally, can we *please* for god/buddhas/galima's sake try to keep the snobbish pro/anti-religion opinions to a minimum? The discussion board in a lesson is meant to openly discuss questions related to the lesson and chinese culture, not a place to peddle your personal agenda.
-- Shaun
Posted on: Discussing Divorce
January 23, 2011, 04:55 PMconnie,你的解釋非常清楚,謝謝你!
Posted on: Fire in the Hallway!
January 14, 2010, 09:46 PMMost of the time, a sign is written in other languages as an act of consideration for foreigners. As long as the meaning is clear, awkward language is relatively unimportant. Be appreciative that they took the time to translate them at all.
Posted on: Noodles and Child Labor
March 21, 2011, 02:12 PM哈哈,當然是因為雇主提供的腳踏車太小了。