User Comments - thom144e

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Posted on: Good Night
October 13, 2008, 04:27 PM

hi all.  just  a note to Cpod.  my  wife is now in Guangzhou getting her  visa stamp.  She will be traveling to the USA in a month.  maybe I will stop in again to say HI as we will be coming through Shanghai to the USA.


this time i'll not let the taxi driver  go the wrong  way  haha

thom & Bauhua

Posted on: What's your type?
August 05, 2008, 02:32 AM

Good  day to all.  I  have been  back from my  visit to  Chinese Pod  for  over a month, and am just now  getting to  the  thanks guys letter.


Thanks guys. YOu  got  nice digs, a  great  product, and  I hope  next  time in Shanghai ( Late  oct  early  NOv) I can  stop in again,. this  time  ( why I  make  note  here on the romance podcast)  bring  my  lovely  wife Xia Baohua  with me.


Again  , thanks to all!!   i  hope you can get the  English pod  going  soon, as the wife and  daughter need it  !!


thom grosse

Posted on: Roommates and What Chinese Think of Foreigners
April 20, 2008, 01:45 AM

i have been trying to learn Chinese for a year, and since last month, ( when I joined this family) I have actually learned more phrases, and words in the whole other year. I know the other learning did assist me , but I can really sense the difference here. Thanks China Pod. BTW i am married to a Lady from Yantai city Shangdong Prov. She knows she is beautiful, and I have over 400 photos on my I-phone to prove it HAHAHA . We may visit Shanghai in June (anniversary) when I return to China. I hope to come visit you all. I plan to retire and teach ESL in a few years.