User Comments - tim777
Posted on: Persuasion
May 12, 2014, 07:18 PM我也一直在想这个问题。。听说两个说法都可以, 但是shui 更收到语言历史和字典介绍的支持... 而念shuo... 虽然没什错误又在口语方面很流行.. 么有说 shui4 的正确... Actually further question as i understand from way back when used to study chime more when said as shuomit should be a
4th tone shuo as well,like shui and not 1st tone... All this said chinese is second language to I didn't start studying till 18 so any comments out there from someone more sure about this question ??
Posted on: 多音字
September 20, 2010, 10:51 PMI am sorry but you are wrong. And so is every dictionary. Xue is second tone. Maybe mistaken as 3rd tone by some but NEVER 4th.
Yes I know what the dictionary says.
Posted on: 中美法律体系的差异
September 20, 2010, 06:14 PMwell.. 10 months ago.. but almost every detail from the amount of momey to the injuries and who was accused at being at fault.. all the same!! amazing
Posted on: 中美法律体系的差异
September 20, 2010, 06:11 PMVery well written. The most amazing part was I was on a jury 5 months ago with the EXACT same situation of car and motorcycle!!
Posted on: 多音字
September 20, 2010, 05:52 PMI must protest!! And despite every Chinese dictionary that exists 血 blood in its XUE form is only ever pronounced by Chinese in SECOND TONE!!! Never fourth. Never and I have been all over China North and South. Do you not agree????
What is it some conspiracy by dictionary writers... xue is 2nd tone and 2nd tone only!!
Posted on: You Must Listen to this Episode - 非...不可 (fēi...bù kě)
April 29, 2008, 08:00 AM..... clay 非常 can be thought of as 非(not)常(common/ordinary) hence its meaning... extraordinary or "very -- x" ....
Posted on: 橄榄球在中国
January 22, 2008, 08:55 AM..newspapers also use the cpod verson. PS Great lesson.
Posted on: 橄榄球在中国
January 22, 2008, 08:46 AMI would also say despite any official definition that in use on tv cpod is right though as living in China for long time more than once have I heard "NFL 橄榄球比赛" uttered. Official titles don't always mean the truth even for common stuff! Just take the word blood. Every dictionary you read or can find will say the chararcter 血 has two pronunciations xue4 and xie3... however I don't think you will ever find a Chinese who says xue4 the more common of the two exists, the only pronunciation for this they will be able to think of is xue2 in the second tone.
Posted on: 橄榄球在中国
January 22, 2008, 08:33 AMI don't mean to disgree with Chinespod staff here and in fact I believe the above comment is correct. However in my understanding 橄榄球 originated as a word to describe Rugby not at all football. When American football became more know in China the official title created for it was: 美式足球。。 Now however as above comment mentions Chinese don't really understand either sports nor do they play either sports, especially not American style which I don't think is played anywhere in the mainland. Rugby however is around in clubs (touch football as well) and so I think it has become a common misconception that 橄榄球 means both. In actuality the two sports could not be more different. In my opinion at least from teachers as Notre Dame, 北大,and 清华大学。 The correct version should be 美式足球 but since it all means the same thing in Chinese eyes I suppose above works as well and Chinese people on the street will all of course make none of the distinctions I am here.
Posted on: Persuasion
May 12, 2014, 07:23 PMtypo
*Third line 么 should be 没 saying shuo :
Shuo 没有说 Shui 的正确
... Such is my overall comments speculation anyway