User Comments - trevelyan

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Posted on: Souvenirs and Strange Statues
May 12, 2008, 03:17 AM

>> buy one of those "fake" dvd players that are also sold. They're not only cheap but they play any region, so good buy! My "Philups" has a skip adverts button on the remote control. I think it's technically illegal, but it's a great feature -- why should anyone be forced to sit through 20 minutes of advertising before watching a film they've purchased?

Posted on: Mobile Repairman
May 04, 2008, 06:05 AM

@kesirui - how about a non-answer? 他有问题 could mean he's asking a question, or it could mean you think he's a freak. @sushan - maybe you just need to ask for it. I think the deposit is still called 押金 (ya1jin1) for bottles, but don't know. Friend and I used to get ours delivered from the store for 1.5 a piece and any refunded deposit went into his pocket.

Posted on: #44
May 03, 2008, 03:21 PM

no cover up - just the May holiday. i like movie madness too, but am wondering how long it will take us to actually run out of Hollywood films. When that happens, I guess we'll just resort to using clips from Shrek every week. "It's Shrek.... again!"

Posted on: #44
April 19, 2008, 08:17 AM

@calkins -- probably bimonthly although the move threw things into the air. CLaaaaaay - we need a winner!

Posted on: Country Standings
April 17, 2008, 04:23 PM

I think Dashan rocks. In addition to being a linguistic superstar, he's a self-made man carving out a successful independent career in China back in the early 1990s. There's a lot to admire in his success. A lot to admire in a lot of people here on the site too. Adult language learning isn't easy. You guys rock too.

Posted on: 澳洲总理秀中文
April 15, 2008, 08:35 AM

Slightly embarrassing, but I thought PK meant "Paul Krugman" for the longest time.

Posted on: #44
April 12, 2008, 02:10 PM

@henning - will have to hunt down Clay on Monday if we haven't announced the winner for #43 yet. @chinkerfly - no sequel. And I'm wrong too... next film by the same director was good (The Magus?), but it was the one that followed that really hit the ball out of the park.

Posted on: #44
April 11, 2008, 10:13 AM

Surprised a couple of you are having trouble... I thought this one was a dead giveaway, but that might just come from having seen it a couple of times. @bb.jt: they tacked the Hemingway quote on to make a it "feel good" ending? That's hilarious, and about as effective as sticking a song-and-dance number at the end of Silence of the Lambs. The audience I saw it with walked out in stunned silence. @lunetta - looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Posted on: #42
March 23, 2008, 11:36 PM

@bd - and yeah -- it's xin, not xing. If I messed that up on the podcast, mea culpa.

Posted on: #42
March 23, 2008, 11:35 PM

@brotherdear - yeah, it does mean spicy. The same character also means "suffering" or "disaster" in other contexts though, which is about what I get thirty minutes after partaking of the really spicy version....