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Posted on: Hand Made Pottery Class
January 15, 2018, 06:13 PM

I have a doubt for the below phase. 的 looks strange there, shouldn't it be 地?


Posted on: High Blood Pressure
January 07, 2018, 11:02 PM

A question - can you use 偏 character flexibly, that is in the similar way like in偏高 (to be on the high side) with other adjectives describing the amount or degree? For example - are 偏多,偏小 or偏少 correct expressions to say that something is rather numerous, rather small or rather not so many?

Posted on: You Guys Really Look Similar
February 10, 2017, 02:23 PM

This lesson is so easy. I understood everything on the first hear and it has no characters I'm unfamiliar with. Unlike some recent lessons on signing rental agreement or Shanghai Disneyland that were much harder.

Posted on: You're Infuriating
October 05, 2016, 04:25 PM

Yes, it is challenging. although I'm able to follow it. However, I have a question on the sentence "如果你说自己是第二名,没人敢说自己是第一名!". I'm familiar with every single character, and taken out of the context the meaning is also clear. But it does not belong to the conversation, that is in the previous sentence the talk is about public humiliating and now all of sudden they switch to places in ranking. Any cultural background that I'm missing?

Posted on: Trying to Cool Off During Summer
August 26, 2016, 01:12 PM

In the dialogue's sentence "新闻说现在外面温度大概三十七度,我快受不了了." between 概 and 三 there's unwritten word. I think it's 有. I just want to make sure if my tone picking ability is OK, since 又 also makes sense.

Posted on: My Cell is Out of Juice!
August 17, 2016, 04:15 PM

I have a question on the question "手机泡过水或是摔过吗?" and the difference between还是 and或是. I believe that some of the books I was using in my earlier stages claimed that还是 is used in questions and或 or或者 in statements. Is this that straightforward? How about或是?

Posted on: Comparing Weather in Taipei and Beijing
August 07, 2016, 08:07 PM

I was repeating this lesson after few weeks and a question jumped to my mind. Is there any difference in meaning or usage between 这阵子 and 最近? The only explanation I've found in the class is that for 这阵子 "the amount of recent time is subjective to speaker". Can you replace them at your will?

Taking an example - if I say


would it be correct grammatically to say 


and will there be any difference in the message?

Posted on: Correct Erhu Posture
August 06, 2016, 09:28 PM

I think I got it now. That comparison to the suffix -ly in English is really mind opening one. I understand now the two cases of 地 in the dialogue and some more in the expansion. Thanks! 

Posted on: Correct Erhu Posture
August 06, 2016, 10:20 AM

I need some resource or advice on using 地 as a particle since it appears in this lesson dialogue's sentence "你只是轻松地托着弓". Unlike 的 or 得 it's no intuitive and frankly speaking I have no idea how to use it and what meaning it conveys. The dictionary explanation " used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct" is not helpful either.

Posted on: Right Away Your Highness
June 30, 2016, 12:27 AM

I'm somewhat baffled by the number of surprise particles that I've learnt recently. What's the difference between 噢, 哦, 咦, and 唷? Are they all surprise? That's where dictionaries fail me.