User Comments - Sevastopol

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Posted on: "Without you I'm so lonely" 没有你陪伴真的好孤单
July 08, 2020, 02:54 PM

Whould you so kind to inform to what kind of era you  refer my favorite Chinese singer Mr. 汪峰 ?I've just finished my translation of his  main hit 存在 in Russian by  still have some doubts related  to  my possible inaccuracy of the translation. 

Posted on: "Without you I'm so lonely" 没有你陪伴真的好孤单
July 08, 2020, 12:40 PM

This time it is really a lesson I was waiting for....非常感谢to Ch.Pod(and it looks like especially to Mr.chi474883638smile)!


Posted on: 物尽其用-绿色能源推动农村绿色发展
March 16, 2020, 05:24 PM

It is currently the most usful lesson for me inspite of  the fact that my level is too low for it. 
It just has refreshed  my passion to learn Chinese inspite the lack of time. 非常感谢!

Posted on: 物尽其用-绿色能源推动农村绿色发展
March 16, 2020, 05:12 PM

Thank you for your vocab.This lesson and your vocab amendment are very useful  for me.Would you so kind to send some more vocab  or a link relating to smart grids and reclosers  topic.


Posted on: 三八女神节
March 10, 2020, 11:29 AM

You are right from the formal point of view but  on the other hand positive effect  is that 1)most of words are coming  from the  native speaker  2) small differences in tones may help you to find your mistakes from the comparison .

3)Moreover, it is an International holiday which was established in Western Europe and from this historical  context it is very normal to  present western point of view to make the discussion more dramatic.


Posted on: Chinese Love Songs (Part 1)
December 26, 2019, 02:13 PM

As a former musician I am a lover of Chinese songs as a way to learn Chinese. In my opinion 4 from 5 songs represented in the lesson are really impressive but relating to 周杰伦 - 龙卷风 I don't consider it as the one from the best Chinese love songs usful to learn Chinese. In my opinion the words are good enough but misic is mama huhu and a lot of repetitions I need to learn it are not able to make me happy with this song. That is why I would like to suggest for the topic in the future some other love songs to present and to learn languge features where music is in harmony with words and usful grammar points in the best way and which ones are really useful to learn Chinese because a lot of repetitions will create only feeling of having enjoyable time without any tiredness.:魔鬼中的天使, 红豆, 黄龄-痒, 月光下的鳳尾竹, 小幸运 , 凉凉 ( from 三生三世十里桃花), 一剪梅, 那些年, 一生等你 ....Anyway your  review  was a pleasant surprise for me.


Posted on: Part 2 人口与粮食:养活14亿人,中国为什么能?
October 31, 2019, 06:14 AM

It looks like there is a small mistake in the pinyin representation  of the first sentence
zájiāodào bǐ chángguī dào zēngchǎn zuǒyòu,měinián zēngchǎn de liángshi kě yǎnghuo wàn rén.
7000 哪里?

Posted on: Animal Proverbs: No ivory will come out of a dog's mouth
September 23, 2019, 11:25 AM

Good lesson but to explane the meaning of the title proverb in the best way the next English proverb may be useful:

"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear".