User Comments - Valanimal

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Posted on: Binge Reading
June 13, 2019, 07:47 AM



Posted on: Opinions and Suggestions
May 16, 2017, 03:52 AM

Hello, thanks for the great lesson.

I'd like to ask you a question regarding what I think is a general fashion in the Chinese language: 

-when you guys translate "我推荐你", in english you add the "I'd like to" in "I'd like to recommend", so I assume that the "I'd like to" is implied in the Chinese version? Does it mean that politeness formulas are often not said out loud and often implied in the verbs? 

-when you translate " 他有很多意见", you say he has "so many" opinions. The nuance in english about "so many" is spelled out loud, whereas in the chinese version it's just "很多".  

If I had translated the sentence myself I would have said 他有"这么多"意见. 

Does it mean that the Chinese language tries to limit the words used in a sentence and relies on context ? Should I also strive to say patterns like "hen duo" instead of "zheme duo"?