User Comments - benchannevy

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Posted on: Saving with Alipay
March 01, 2014, 01:06 AM

very interesting presentation, like it very much

Posted on: Boxing Day
December 27, 2011, 11:13 AM

benchannevy in reply to wande

甩卖 clearance sale

大拍卖 auction

大减价 grand sale

销售 marketing

Posted on: Turn Right, Turn Left
September 13, 2010, 08:53 PM

turn round, turn around:1) 调头(vt)

                                  2) 调转:diao4zhuan3 (vi)

*我们必须在下一个街口调转车头。We must make a turn at the next street

*自行车掉头  turn bicycle right round

*轮船掉头返航  the steamship veered around for the port

*把车头掉过来 turn the car round

小姐 xiao3jie3

* 李小姐 Miss Li

* 有位小姐找你  There's a young lady looking for you.

Posted on: A New Jug for the Water Cooler
May 24, 2010, 10:45 AM


Posted on: 新能源
May 20, 2010, 10:50 AM


Posted on: Into the Sandstorm
May 18, 2010, 11:34 AM


ski jacket: 滑雪夹克

Posted on: Mother's Day
May 06, 2010, 04:20 PM

辛苦:hard; toilsome;laborious.

辛苦的工作:hard work; laborious work.

辛苦地工作:toil at one's task

我的一切辛苦都白费了:All my trouble went for nothing

你们陪我们参观,辛苦了:you must be tired taking us around

你们工作辛苦了:You've been working very hard

你辛苦了,多谢:thank you for all the trouble you have taken

Posted on: Learning English in China
May 05, 2010, 04:10 PM


Posted on: Expressing Location with 边 and 面
November 23, 2009, 06:20 PM

对岸:the opposite bank; the other side of the river

对饮:(2 people )have a drink together

对坐:facing each other

对过:opposite;across the way:他就住在对过。He lives just across the way.  邮局的对过是旅馆。The hotel is opposite the post office.

对边:opposite side :平行四边形的对边。opposite sides of parallelogram

对面:1)opposite;across the way:站在对面:stand opposite;马路对对面:on the opposite side of the street; across the street; 在某人对面坐下 take a seat opposite sb.

2)right in front; directly: 一辆吉普车从对面开来。A jeep is heading straight for us.

3)face to face: 对面坐着 sit face to face; 对面不见人。It is so dark that one can't see the man in front of him.


Posted on: Which Time Zone?
November 04, 2009, 09:16 PM

