User Comments - chittttywangwangwang

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Posted on: London
March 18, 2008, 07:35 AM

memmifer i took the 看来看去都是差不多的东西 direct meaning as 'I looked around and everything seemed the same as the other stuff in London" But my feeling was it was no so literal and instead meant that there wasnt much to do and it was not interesting.... but i have been wrong before

Posted on: London
March 18, 2008, 06:55 AM

Although I would never question anyone fomr Chinesepods Chinese ability (except for that one time I did) I can comment on their English... in the fix the girl says "Thames" wrong. The "am" is pronounced as the 'ame' as in "Tame dog" Not as the am in "ham" And whilst Im on a role the 熟能生巧 'practice makes perfect'.... from the Chinesepod dictionary is using 孰。!Wrong! 。

Posted on: Relativity
March 17, 2008, 09:28 AM

我的物理也非常差。。。! This reminds me of the Beatles "yellow submarine" film quote... -Look, the hands are slowing down! .... -What's happening, John? -In my humble opinion, we've become involved in Einstein's time-space continuum theory. Relatively speaking, that is. - Maybe time's gone on strike. - What for? - Shorter hours. - I don't blame it.

Posted on: Buying Batteries
March 12, 2008, 07:10 AM

And here is some nice basic electricty vocab. in case you need to buy that... Watts 瓦特 Frequency 频率 current 电流 volts 电压 resistance 电阻 AC 交流电 DC 直流电 AC/DC (the band) 交流电/直流电

Posted on: Buying Batteries
March 12, 2008, 07:06 AM

wolson...i also find it helps to know the word of the thing you want to buy.

Posted on: Buying Batteries
March 12, 2008, 02:00 AM

Changye, wande. Thank you for your 电频 info

Posted on: Buying Batteries
March 11, 2008, 07:46 AM

Is 电频 also meaning battery?

Posted on: London
February 27, 2008, 03:41 AM

richnirish Chittygramgrammer here with another average grammer explanation: here 对。。说 is a pattern indicating the direction of the thing being said. Here it is the old Monk telling the young monk monk 对 small monk 说 “什么什么” Its feeling is that the young monk is being told, perhaps not talking back. for example 我对你说。 Im telling you 跟/和 also can replace 对 in this pattern. For slightly different meanings 我跟他说了= I have talked about this with him 我和他说清楚= I told him straight although i dont think I hear 和。。。说 so much Corrections/additional suggestions welcome

Posted on: London
February 27, 2008, 03:30 AM

Thank you Rich for that detailed explanation. $20,000! Yikes! Is that in the states? I know its alot cheaper if you come to China to study, and you have the benefit of living in China also. Eyux. Yes London cabbies are the bomb and its a really demanding proffession. Although Im sure my brain is getting smaller. Semi-interesting thing I found about taxis in China. In the south you can tell them the road and street number and theyll get you there. But in the north they dont know streets/ street numbers...just names of hotels, places etc. I had an animated argument with a Dalian taxi driver when he couldnt/woudnt get to my hotel based on a number.

Posted on: London
February 26, 2008, 09:45 AM

and this one