User Comments - euphonies

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Posted on: 上海法租界
March 21, 2013, 05:34 PM

Love this lesson for many reasons!

Posted on: 疯狂的球迷
September 30, 2010, 08:06 PM

对于世界杯的法足也希望他们以后能有一个成功的脱胎换骨的表现。 看我自己的国足也让我很窝火。哈哈

Posted on: 大连石油泄漏
September 29, 2010, 09:11 PM

我同意非常喜欢媒体的课程但是水平比较高。知道听力特别重要可如果没有课文,听到三四遍之后,还是不能明白百分之50,我很快地放弃了。 这么难的时候你们能不能写下来谈话全文?因为媒体的课程对我来说都挺有意思的!

Posted on: National Day Holiday
September 29, 2010, 04:19 PM

Totally! I still remember the look on my face as I found out that I get to sacrifice my weekends for a consecutive days of holiday. You're exhausted the week before and after = not worth the trade off, at least to me!

Posted on: The Frog Prince in the Well
September 28, 2010, 11:20 PM

I really enjoyed this lesson too. Perfect choice of background music - made me want to listen to it again and again!

Just some questions: Could you say 睡在你的小床里 as well as 睡你的小床?

And regarding the king's wise words, what is the purpose of the 到 in 就一定要做到?

Posted on: Renting an Apartment through an Agent 3
September 27, 2010, 08:29 PM

Thanks so much!

Posted on: Renting an Apartment through an Agent 3
September 24, 2010, 10:37 PM

I love John's comments about 擦一擦。 So true!

In the dialogue you talk about 床垫 but how do you call the extra matt you can buy to lay on top of the mattress to make it 软一点? One of my best investments of my China life.

Posted on: A Magazine Subscription
July 23, 2010, 07:23 PM

If any intermediate/upper intermediate poddies are thinking of 订月刊 but not sure which, I really enjoyed 读者 that has tons of reader's digest type stories (or, is it actually the Reader's Digest?). Some short stories are quite difficult whilst other absolutely accessible. If you are in China, it's also super cheap to pop by the newspaper vendor (报刊亭)and buy one issue to check it out before subscribing. Some former renter had subscribed to 读者 and we got it every month for free. That was how I discovered it! Fun! I wonder if it is possible to subscribe from the US. Do any poddies have experience with subscribing to Chinese mags outside of China?

Also, could someone help me say "issue" as in "the May issue?" Finally, one question I've always had was how to say "advertorial" - is it "社论式广告"? My co-workers told me that didn't exist as in the West. Does anyone know if it does and if so, how to call it more naturally?


Posted on: Organic Food
July 06, 2010, 05:20 AM

Thanks fourmoredays2010! I was wondering the exact same thing when Jenny mentioned 有机 的 机 being the same as in 机会.

Posted on: Guests, Interns and the 4th of July
July 05, 2010, 04:58 AM

You're right yunayi2009. Thanks! I wasn't careful enough with the pinyin auto-complete.