User Comments - floalvarez

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Posted on: For the Love of Straight Teeth
March 10, 2014, 06:33 PM

Ha ha! I told my dentist that American actors and actresses and newscasters have the best teeth in the world. My daughter is going to have braces and we are looking at $3,000.00 with partial dental insurance coverage. Many of her classmates already have them. I must say that the US pediatric dentistry has many excellent preventive care, like sealants and Fluoride treatments (covered by insurance, thank goodness). She has just 1 or 2 cavities.

Posted on: 北京奥运会的筹备
February 27, 2014, 02:22 PM

谢谢!我虽然不是中国人,但身为华裔,2008 北京奥运会给了我一个深刻的印象。我不断在想,如果我爸爸还在世,一定会感到非常自豪!

Posted on: 北京奥运会的筹备
February 26, 2014, 05:35 PM


@8.06  前几天我好像看了一个主题晚会试手队

@11.04 看到今天的文导

@11.10 Jenny: 相似的,对。

Posted on: 北京奥运会的筹备
February 26, 2014, 02:27 PM


或许或者   huò xǔ huò zhě    maybe

供大于求   gōng dà yú qiú     supply exceeds demand

供过于求   gōng guò yú qiú    the supply exceeds the demand

激发自内心  jī fā zì nèi xīn    comes from the heart

智慧的结晶  zhì huì de jié jīng   the crystallization of wisdom; fruit of wisdom

Posted on: 北京奥运会的筹备
February 26, 2014, 02:26 PM


盛会    shèng huì      pageant; distinguished meeting

粗略    cūlüè        rough; sketchy; cursory

迫切    pò qiè         urgent; pressing

突发   tú fā         outburst

组委    zǔ wěi       organizational committee; abbr. for 組織委員會|组织委员会

火龙    huǒlóng      a fiery dragon; a procession of lanterns or torches

精细    jīng xì       fine; meticulous; precise

冲刺    chōng cì      [Sports] a sprint; a dash

申办   shēn bàn      to apply for; to bid for

福娃    fú wá          Fuwa (the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games)

海选    hǎi xuǎn     initial audition;  direct, winner-takes-all system of election in use for village committees; pre-selection for a competition

京腔    jīng qiāng   Beijing dialect

精炼   jīng liàn     [Metallurgy] to refine; to purify; smart; concise; well-trained

场馆    chǎng guǎn   sporting venue; arena

扩建    kuò jiàn       to enlarge;  to add a new wing to a building

滋长    zī zhǎng     to grow (usually of abstract things); to produce; to develop

捏合    niē hé        mediate;  fabricate;  make up

大爷    dà yé          father's older brother; elder uncle

大妈    dà mā         father's elder brother's wife; aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman)

茅草    máo cǎo        [Botany] twitch grass; couch grass; thatch

水立方   Shuǐ Lì Fāng      Water Cube (China's National Aquatics Center for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games)

后现代     hòu xiàn dài     post-modernism

体育场     tǐ yù chǎng    a stadium

里程碑     lǐ chéng bēi   a milestone; a landmark

游泳馆     Yóu yǒng guǎn  a natatorium

发扬光大   fā yang guāng dà  (saying) to develop, advocate, and promulgate

随时随地   suí shí suí dì      on the go; anytime and anywhere

倒数计时   dào shǔ jì shí     [Aeronautics] to count down

顺理成章   shùn lǐ chéng zhāngto follow a logical train of thought; only to be expected

陆陆续续   lù lù xù xù         in succession;  continuously

红红火火   hóng hóng huo huǒ  形容旺盛或经济优裕的生活

引以为傲   yǐn yǐ wéi ào     to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)

Posted on: 北京奥运会的筹备
February 26, 2014, 02:23 PM







Posted on: 港媒:上海幼儿园鼓励方言被批鼓励歧视
February 21, 2014, 01:06 PM


拥入    yōng rù       crowd into

大多    dà duō        for the most part; majority

惟独    wéi dú         only; alone; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique

跟随    gēn suí       to follow; to tag along

走向    zǒu xiàng     to move towards; trend; [Geology] strike

社交    shè jiāo      social contact; social interaction

课余    kè yú          after school

传家宝    chuán jiā bǎo  family heirloom

多伦多    Duō Lún Duō    Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada

尤为突出  yóu wéi tú chū  to especially stand out

Posted on: 港媒:上海幼儿园鼓励方言被批鼓励歧视
February 21, 2014, 12:51 PM





Posted on: 港媒:上海幼儿园鼓励方言被批鼓励歧视
February 20, 2014, 07:02 PM

00:45 来自于外省市i的

08:05 小朋友很幼稚 对!

Posted on: 高考英语改革
February 19, 2014, 07:37 PM


攸关    yōu guān     of great concern

对立    duì lì         in opposing or confronting positions; to oppose

试点    shì diǎn      to make experiments; experiment center

论点    lùn diǎn      the point of discussion; an issue; an argument

比重    bǐ zhòng      [Physics] specific gravity; proportion

气量    qì liàng       tolerance; magnanimity

决策    jué cè         (make a) strategic decision

分值    fēn zhí       value proportion

做 题   zuò tí         do workbook problems or excercise

赵括    Zhào Kuò       Zhao Kuo (-260 BC), hapless general of Zhao 趙國|赵国, who famously led an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC also called Ma Fuzi 馬服子|马服子

用以    yòng yǐ       use sth. to achieve an end; in order to; so as to

并存    bìng cún       (v) exist at the same time; coexist

评论    píng lùn       to comment on; review

挪动    nuó dòng       to move to another place; to shift

硬性    yìng xìng      inflexible; rigid

教养    jiàoy ǎng     (n) upbringing; education

总归    zǒng guī     anyhow; eventually; after all

语文    yǔ wén        Chinese; language and literature

说到底  shuō dào dǐ  when all is said and done;in the final analysis

致命点  zhì mìng diǎnAchilles heel; vital points

到头来  dào tóu lái    [Informal] in the end; finally

小道消息   xiǎo dào xiāo xi  side-street news; gossip; the grapevine

重视程度   zhòng shì chéng dù  degree of recognition; degree of importance

死记硬背   sǐ jì yìng bèi     to learn by rote; to mechanically memorize

一败涂地   yī bài tú de       to suffer a crushing defeat

攻击目标   gōng jí mù biāo   target of attack

开拓眼界   kāi tà yǎn jiè    to broaden one's persperctive

头头是道   tóu tóu shì dào     clear and logical