User Comments - kuaizihaizi

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Posted on: 撒娇
September 09, 2009, 05:17 PM

Is the first character in the word 娇媚 pronounced "jiao" or "wu"? It's written as "jiao" in the dialogue (when you run the cursor over the character), but it sounds like "wu" in the dialogue and in the lesson.

Posted on: 对症下药
July 01, 2009, 05:39 PM


Posted on: 对症下药
June 22, 2009, 05:17 PM

What kind of medicine is 白加黑?Is that a transliteration of a western brand name?

It seems this lesson has gotten mixed reviews, but I thought the vocabulary was really useful (Mikeinewshot, your list was very helpful as well--thanks!) I'm a little surprised 上火didn't sneak it's way in there though. I'd never heard of that concept before going to China, but when I was there I heard about what would 上 and 下 my 火 constantly!  I've been in Chinese pharamacies many times and they really do have a completely different way of operating.

Posted on: 世界经济危机
June 17, 2009, 04:17 PM


Posted on: Saved by the Gong: Math class
June 16, 2009, 03:23 PM

I believe there's a typo in the vocabulary list. The Chinese word for triangle has "can" instead of "san."

Posted on: Getting a Driver's License
April 03, 2009, 06:04 PM

I have two questions. Is John saying 还是懒得去? If so, does that mean I'm still too lazy to go or it's still too much trouble to go? Also, what is the idiom(?) Jenny uses at the end of her conversation with John (toward the very end of the lesson)? It sounds like "maluxiashou?"

Posted on: 普通人的慈善
March 29, 2009, 04:52 PM

Another question! As I understand it 包装 is being used metaphorically in the dialogue. Can I use 包装 to describe the shaping of other images? For instance, can I say that a politican's image has 被包装?

Posted on: 普通人的慈善
March 29, 2009, 04:47 PM

In the dialogue where A says: "大笔捐款慈善" would it be accurate to translate 大笔 as writ large? How else can you use 大笔?