User Comments - wenwang
Posted on: The Pickup Artist
May 10, 2008, 10:05 PMif you're looking for pickup terminology, check out 把妹达人, the translation of Neil Strauss' "The Game" published in Taiwan (full form characters).
Posted on: 阶级意识
April 13, 2008, 05:30 AM@ edward 應該是國語/普通话之間的差別而已. 我打繁體字的時候, 一定要打 yi4shi4 打简体字却要打 yi4shi2 才能打出来。。。
Posted on: 华南虎
March 26, 2008, 05:51 AM請問,「果不其然」用於國語和普通話會有不同的意思嗎?比如說,國語辭典的定義如此:"事情的結果與預料相合。"而且,他們所舉的例子,還有我在網路看到的例子一樣,像"果不其然,他又晚了"或什麼"出現了!果不其然的謝營丟泥巴招式"等等. In all my english dictionaries it is given as "not as expected"... yet, even in this pod's article, I want to read it as "as expected"... what am I missing here? Please help a laowai out.
Posted on: 陈冠希事件
March 26, 2008, 05:25 AM喜歡饒舌的人有沒有看過youtube上台灣嘻哈藝術家大支做關於’艷照門’的freestyle.很好笑,但是有一些穢語...也有台語,但是可以看字幕.感興趣就找’陳冠希大支嗎’
Posted on: 简体字与繁体字
March 26, 2008, 05:05 AM@Daixiong "I believe every student of Chinese should learn both systems, if they wish to read widely,...I think learning traditional first makes a lot more sense, ...The thing is, people are writing by hand less and less, such that many of my Taiwanese friends forget how to write truly complex characters; they're that used to computer input. I use pinyin input for both systems myself." I use pinyin for both systems as well. Haven't had the problem of needing to type on a Taiwanese keyboard in bpmf for a long time. I've heard the comment (from laowai) that CSL learners should start with full-form characters (the most accurate, politically neutral way I know to say that, my teacher from the PRC calls them "complicated" characters) and then master the simple form. That's what I have done, since I started in Taiwan and then continued in North America (Shanghai in 5 months!!). Now I can read both, though I prefer traditional, and am more proficient in it. Ironically, in the case of native speakers, I have found most (educated) people from the PRC can read both quite well, whereas people from Taiwan often fail to recognize even the simplest official simplified characters (you just NEVER see them in common use there, people use old handwriting styles instead for easier writing). In my books, people that find simplified more convenient just aren't doing enough karaoke :p
Posted on: 禁塑令
June 19, 2008, 06:07 PM在台北早已有禁止提高免费塑料袋的计划,好像是马英九当市长时进行的。已经镇有效;我住那儿的时候,人家都带自己的布料袋子,不然每一条袋子都要花一块新台币(2角人民币左右)。