User Comments - windwalker
Posted on: 精神污染
March 13, 2008, 03:06 PM这两个标准 (对外国人的和对中国人的) 的状态真荒唐。我同意 auntie68, 面子占再问题中间,好像很多中国人不想承认这个事实: 中国人和外国人一样喜欢做爱,碰,搞,上床,等。 他们越否认越显得傻。 我希望这个陈冠希的丑事会把这个现象揭示一下,至少让人知道大部分的他们的偶像也很喜欢做爱,开始从一个比较中立的角度来看这个问题。
Posted on: 八卦周刊:大闹现场
March 12, 2008, 04:10 PM谢谢,Connie! 你解释得又一清二楚又简约。 CCTV 那时不在进行直播有点儿可惜,对我们的八卦性来说吧。
Posted on: 八卦周刊:大闹现场
March 11, 2008, 04:27 PM谢谢你们写下那个link (这怎么说?) 请问,“八卦” 到底是什么意思?我的词典说: "The Eight Chinese Trigrams (from the Book of Changes)" 可是现在流行的意思好像是 "tabloid"? 还有,这个大闹现场如果是在CCTV运动频道直播的,为什么那个 link 的摄影那么乱?难道谁也没有CCTV的记录吗?
Posted on: Stargazing
March 08, 2008, 12:02 PMchillosk, it means "twinkling". 闪 is often used in words that involve some sort of neat light effect, like 闪电 (lightning),闪光 (flicker, flash),and 闪烁 (twinkle, glisten). Also, nice lesson, but it would have been nice if they had gotten into constellations, light pollution, and the controversy surrounding Pluto's demotion. Perhaps for the advanced lesson version? :)
Posted on: My Scooter Won't Start
March 08, 2008, 11:42 AMgarry:"What really is the Chinese attitude on pollution and the environment? What do the people think? Not 'What does the Chinese government think'?" In my experience, a fair number of Chinese will give lip service to the environment, but it's quite evident from people's actions that the environment is low on the list of priorities. In many nice natural scenic areas and parks, people will still throw trash around like it's the local landfill. Companies will dump their waste (sometimes toxic) wherever they can get away with it, and local governmental oversight is spotty at best (but encouragingly, seems to be getting better in some places). Tourism-based places will often overdevelop attractive natural areas to cater to comfort-minded tourists, harming local ecosystems and building ugly, intrusive constructions in the process. There are a lot of exceptions of course, but environmentalism has a long, long way to go in China.
Posted on: 中国新富豪
March 06, 2008, 01:11 PM好像每个地方都有本地的暴发户,或者 “Nouveau Riche”。 我也注意到这些很想摆阔的新富豪,他们一般都要给自己面子,可是他们没有想到那样显摆就让我们觉得他们没有可敬的实质。 有一次,一位新富豪很骄傲地告诉我们他的鞋子是1200元买的,他的上衣是2100元买的,等. 他没有想到我们当中有一个800元/月的工资的人... 太荒唐的一个人...
Posted on: 风水
March 04, 2008, 02:24 PM我觉得风水有巧合的利益。比如说,一位风水大师会把你的屋子里的摆设弄得整齐,虽然这是按照风水的原理,可它也不违反普通的逻辑:你周围的环境越整齐你做事的效率越高。 这次课既很难又很有意思的。
Posted on: 河莉秀
March 04, 2008, 11:06 AM谢谢 connie!
Posted on: 河莉秀
March 04, 2008, 09:18 AMdaixiong: 你说得很有道理。 我要强调你提出的概念; 如果变性之前有很多问题,变性之后就好多了,我们怎么会反对这个选择? 一个人做了这个手术后,世界上的痛苦总数是一样的可是世界上的幸福总数而增长了一点,那就是我们应该支持的现象吧。 (by the way, that was a little awkward... how do you say "the sum total of happiness in the world increases while the sum total of pain in the world stays the same"?)
Posted on: Overseas Chinese
May 03, 2008, 04:16 AMI'm an American 华裔 (well, half, but I look completely Chinese), but I grew up with no Chinese culture or language whatsoever. Thus I don't consider myself Chinese at all, which has been a strange and often confusing issue here in China. I don't understand why people are so hung up on race. To me, people ARE their culture. I know many 2nd+-generation Italian-Americans that don't call themselves Italians at all; why isn't this the same for Chinese-descended people? If you still hold on to the language and a significant amount of the culture, then I think it's fine to still call yourself Chinese-American, or Chinese-British, or whatever. It's still a part of your cultural identity, then. But if you don't have a significant cultural retention, then you're simply American, or British, etc. Likewise I think it's absolutely silly to say "African-Americans" to refer to slavery-era descended black Americans. They have nothing to do with Africa anymore. They're black. I'm yellow. At this point, we're just Americans. I feel more at home in France and Italy than I do in China, but somehow coming here is supposed to be a homecoming? Give me a break. It's a cool, fascinating country, but to me, it's absolutely foreign, blood be damned.