User Comments - x_crm
Posted on: 小太监进宫二
June 12, 2009, 01:14 PM中国以前是用台湾或者香港的那种注音来认读文字的。 Before 20st century,Chinese characters were spelled by Zhuyin which is still in Hongkong and Taiwan. wiki link: 拼音汉语拼音 注音注音符號
Posted on: 小太监进宫二
June 10, 2009, 03:26 AMto pearltowerpete:
I had bought some books from LiYang's Crazy English. Also in my junior school,his group came to give a lecture in the hall.It impressed me deeply:just want to sell his book/magzines to us. Amony my classmates, most do not appreciate Li.I coundn't understand why he will sucess instead of some people who has a CET(College English Test)-8 Level? Also,there is a famous foreign laguage school in BeiJing,named Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Koutow phenomenon,just a bad thing which we inherit from ancient.Since 5·4 and litral revelution (just trans words from Chinese), it has been removed from our modern culture,but in some rural and some undevelopping areas ,it still remains.
Posted on: Lao Wang's Office 11: Wang in the Doghouse
June 10, 2009, 02:57 AMto rjberki :
If you don't live in the other culture,you counldn't understand the exact meaning of some special words.
But you can learn it from net, after a long time studing,you can understand the meaning step by step.In Chinese old saying:"一口吃不成胖子."
just like "Roman was not built in one day. "
So,just to be patient,it will be a awe suceess
Best withes to your learning Chinese
Posted on: Lao Wang's Office 11: Wang in the Doghouse
June 09, 2009, 05:34 PMeverybody: I do NOT think a foreign language can describe the situation very well! English cannot,French cannot,neither does Deutsch,etc. Proverbs cannot easily translate from a language to another.These have specific culture feature(特定的文化特征或者特定文化内涵),once you get out of the culture,the meaning changes! English proverb: cat has nine lives.when it trans to Chinese,most people could NOT understand! in chinese,there is NOT an old saying taking about cat's life ! I cannot use english freely,if there are some mistakes,please refer to my chinese. 就像我用英语所说的那样:每种语言都不能完全地解释或者翻译原语言所想要表达的意思。 英语中有个谚语:猫有九条命。大多数中国人都不能理解这句话的意思。因为在中文中没有与之相对应的谚语,,成语,而且这种有关猫的说法在中文中基本没有。 another example: kill two bird with one stone. I do NOT think it is a good translation! Actually,It means do a few efforts,get more! Since chunqiu period(I forget the exact time),people had said this,so we continue.But the meaning is not just combination of every word's explaination! 另一个例子: 一石二鸟。我并不认为英文的翻译是一个好的翻译,事实上,一石二鸟是“做一件事,得两件好处。” 就是因为,我们从春秋时期就是这样说的,所以一直延续到现在,我们还是这样说。但是已经脱离了表面的意思了。
Posted on: Buying a Computer
June 09, 2009, 03:21 PM@mikeinewshot
I'm Chinese.Maybe These will help you.
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Posted on: 小太监进宫二
June 12, 2009, 04:14 PM是我错了。
It's my mistake.
Long before,We used to characters to spell charaters.