User Comments - xuchen
Posted on: Chinese Idol
September 04, 2009, 01:34 AMCPOD是不是从这篇新闻留些灵感?。。
Posted on: Grammar Lesson
September 02, 2009, 07:23 AM@Rich
Does that come out sounding like "burger"?, as in the thing that McDonalds sells one billion of every year?...
Posted on: China Street Smart with John Chan
September 01, 2009, 03:50 AM@John Chan
Thanks for your insight! Great interview!
Do you speak Chinese? If so, what was your experience learning it for all these years?
Can you give some advice when a business is faced with a sketchy deal? You said not to focus on the negative, or more so not to dwell on the negative. However pollution and corruption are a reality and have been going unchecked for years.
Will there be any interviews in Chinese? Or is the target audience only English speakers?...
Posted on: Love Tangle 2: A Lover Returns
September 01, 2009, 03:24 AMAlthough I personally don't watch TV unless I'm really lazy, I have noticed that you will see this kind of language in Chinese sit-coms and soaps...not to mention the overdone propaganda movies.
listen and enjoy!!
Posted on: Grab Some Veggies From the Store
August 21, 2009, 04:03 AM我对素食主义有兴趣,但我也知道光吃素有限。总不能提供你身体所需要的维生素。你们这些素食主义者有没有体会到营养不平衡的因素?怎么克服呢?你们能不能指出一些关于素食主义的有正确消息的网络?
Posted on: Funny Business 4 -- Farewell, Xiao Zhao
August 19, 2009, 01:40 PM我的CHINESEPOD帐户还有几个星期,本来要好好享受享受剩下的时间。我在江苏徐州,网上的速度慢得差点儿让我吐啦!!
哈哈,我知道你抄袭了你的理论。我只是觉得你的意见太离谱了,但更离谱的是 CPOD的作家很有可能这样写系列的结局!!
Posted on: Funny Business 4 -- Farewell, Xiao Zhao
August 19, 2009, 05:11 AMxiaophil 说得十分对的。。
Posted on: The Sherpas Story with Mark Secchia
September 08, 2009, 04:03 AMfarting in a closet.. that's awesome...