User Comments - yaosiyi

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Posted on: Asking the Time
April 06, 2011, 02:04 PM

Yes I have to say it makes it easier for those of us who find it hard to organise lessons and make decisions on what to study. Just being told to "Study this one today", well it just makes it easier for me...rather than continually scanning through hundreds of lessons. The fact they are new makes me feel happy because I kinda feel like ,as a fairly new c poddie, I was just having to find older stuff... but... I had paid money for this very cool website to keep me up to date with cool new stuff...我真的很高兴 :-)wǒ zhēnde hěn gāoxìng。 

Posted on: Awkward Silence
April 01, 2011, 09:04 AM

High frequency vocab...I love how C.pod lessons are so true to life:-) I can even feel people staring at me in the awkward silence.

Posted on: Spring 2011 News
March 15, 2011, 12:21 PM

malilaoshi, I'm nodding in total agreement :-)

Posted on: Useful Phrases 2
February 26, 2011, 01:31 PM

yeah I think this lesson very useful...I guess the trick is using them in the right context...还可以 just sounds more enthusiastic and positive to me than 不错...I guess because of the 不 always being negative. So I have to get it right in my head :-)

Posted on: Useful Phrases #1
February 25, 2011, 02:36 AM

Thanks for that bababbardwan. Interesting looking at that page of staff and ex staff. So glad Jenny is around and sad to see Ken gone,but hey as you mentioned 326 newbie lessons to listen to, can still listen to him :-)

Posted on: Useful Phrases #1
February 24, 2011, 01:16 PM

Is it just me or does it seem that everyone has left? Where are the new newbie with Ken and Jenny...WHERE ARE YOU?No sign of you on the boards?

Posted on: What'll it be?
February 18, 2011, 11:36 AM

Cool podcast and actually is something I would say :-) Not that I don't like fish but I'm scared I'll choke on all the little bones ...Hey also my friends here in Hubei say 糖醋排骨 (tang cu pai gu) for sweet and sour pork. My friends mum cooks the best home cooked sweet and sour pork you've ever tasted!

Posted on: What's Your Name?
February 18, 2011, 10:00 AM

My dog, well she really doesn't care, she is still working on "WANG WANG" or "WOOF WOOF" :-)

Posted on: What will it be?
February 18, 2011, 08:58 AM

yeah cant bookmark "what'll it be" it comes up initially but after you bookmark it when you try and go back "What will it be" comes up instead??

Just letting you know..

Posted on: What will it be?
February 18, 2011, 08:51 AM

is there some kind of mix up with a lesson called What'll it be and what will it be? ,lol, I studied and marked the lesson "What will it be" and now I want to study "What'll it be"  which covers prefering sweet and sour pork instead of fish, but when i click on it this lesson comes up again ....Funny...Gonna go see if I can find the other one :-)