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diào biāo
  1. 1 to lose weight (of cattle)
suì diào
  1. 1 to drop and smash
  2. 2 broken
废掉 | 廢掉
fèi diào
  1. 1 to depose (a king)
掉换 | 掉換
diào huàn
  1. 1 to swap
  2. 2 to replace
  3. 3 to exchange
  4. 4 to change
锁掉 | 鎖掉
suǒ diào
  1. 1 lock up
  2. 2 lock out
  3. 3 to lock
掉转 | 掉轉
diào zhuǎn
  1. 1 to turn around
干掉 | 幹掉
gàn diào
  1. 1 to get rid of
掉头就走 | 掉頭就走
diào tóu jiù zǒu
  1. 1 to turn on one's heels
  2. 2 to walk away abruptly
掉链子 | 掉鏈子
diào liàn zi
  1. 1 one's bicycle chain comes off
  2. 2 (fig.) to let sb down
  3. 3 to drop the ball
  4. 4 to screw up
被优化掉 | 被優化掉
bèi yōu huà diào
  1. 1 lit. to be optimized away
  2. 2 to be fired
  3. 3 to be the victim of downsizing
掉点儿 | 掉點兒
diào diǎn r
  1. 1 drip of rain
tǔ de diào zhā
  1. 1 (coll.) rustic
  2. 2 uncouth
xiào diào dà yá
  1. 1 to laugh one's head off
  2. 2 ridiculous
  3. 3 jaw-dropping
脱皮掉肉 | 脫皮掉肉
tuō pí diào ròu
  1. 1 lit. to shed skin, drop flesh
  2. 2 to work as hard as possible
  3. 3 to work one's butt off
lǎo diào yá
  1. 1 very old
  2. 2 obsolete
  3. 3 out of date
天上掉馅饼 | 天上掉餡餅
tiān shàng diào xiàn bǐng
  1. 1 a meat pie falls from the sky (idiom)
  2. 2 to have something fall into your lap
掉以轻心 | 掉以輕心
diào yǐ qīng xīn
  1. 1 treat sth lightly
  2. 2 to lower one's guard
掉书袋 | 掉書袋
diào shū dài
  1. 1 lit. to wave around one's bookbag (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to show off one's erudition
  3. 3 a person who does so