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Don't do that! Elementary PREMIUM

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Don't do that! Elementary PREMIUM

A few subway tips you might not be aware of: 1. The process of letting those on the subway off before boarding has not yet caught on; 2. Mobile ring tones are downloaded so owner and train neighbors can hear – meaning you’ll be treated to 90 seconds of a Backstreet Boy weeping; and 3. The process of letting those on the subway off before boarding has (still) not yet caught on. Now – we know you’re patient, but for that friend of yours, here’s a “strong” way of telling someone to immediately refrain from their present shenanigans. In this podcast, learn such useful phrases as “you’re so annoying”, and “I can’t take it!” in Mandarin Chinese.

Jenny,  Ken
Adj_ _si_le, V_ _de|bù, anger and annoyance, complaining, requesting

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